Can't upload avatar???

Darth Brandon

Dec 5, 2016
I've looked at some previous threads and I can't find a answer for my problem. I have the right size picture at 100x100 px. I've also tried smaller picture uploads ranging from 75x75px to as low as 50x50. I've tried different pictures ranging from the best quality when resizing to the worst quality. I'm just stuck for some reason when trying to upload this avatar of mine.
I've confirmed that there is indeed something wrong there. It is behaving as you guys have described, and even seems to be affecting attempts at removing existing avatars.

We'll get to work on this right away. Thanks for letting us know! :)
Honestly, I was having the same issue. I used Adobe PS to make it 100x100, 80x80, and even 75x75. But it just loads and loads, and goes server time out page. I tried two diffferent browsers, computers, and even on my phone. Didn't work.

Darth Brandon

Dec 5, 2016

Wow you've tried a lot more than I have to upload an avatar, it has to be on their end then. Thanks for the help and hopefully they get it sorted out.

That's freaking awesome. You don't rerally notice things like this on other forums. I appreciate you doing that and getting the staff together. Thanks a lot.