Can't use touchpad while typing (gaming)

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Mar 21, 2015

While I am gaming, I can't walk and aim (type and use touchpad) at the same time. This is really annoying because I want to play games on the go without a mouse.

I have looked everywhere for an answer to this question, and none of the methods work for me simply because my synaptics drivers dont have the palmtracker setting everyone seems to be suggesting I turn off.

Here's a screenshot of the driver settings:

P.S. SmartSense is turned off, so it's not that.


Solution taken from an HP forum.

In the Registry, go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Synaptics\SynTP\Defaults, and set the value of all string entries of the form PalmKms…, to 0. (Of course, they probably don't all need to be 0, but have fun finding out which one(s) you actually need!) These values determine the amount of ms that the touchpad stays disabled after keyboard input has been detected.

In my own case I turned them all off at first, and through the method of trial and error I found that only the first three keys were necessary to set to value “0” for it to work. I also found that the changes won’t start working until the computer is rebooted.

Therefore don’t forget: You actually have to restart windows for it to work.

Here’s also another solution found to the synaptics “RESETTING OF CHANGES” made, every time one reboot the system.
Type WIN+R and start "regedit" (or simply use the Windows Search and type regedit).
Confirm that you're an admin (a window may pop up).
Navigate to KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Synaptics\SynTP\Install
Change DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade from 1 to 0
Change RestoreAllDefaultsfrom 1 to 0
Now you can change the ClickPad-Settings (of course, they will not be deleted after a restart, and you can change them as many times as you want to)

I have a similar problem but i have a lenovo y700. My mouse stops working whenever I press a key and no settings I looked up seem to help. Is there one that I can change? ps I dont have synaptics
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