Capacitor replacement motherboard


Jan 14, 2016

Replacing 2 capacitors on Motherboard. Found identical spec but shorter in hight capacitors will they be ok?

Also will be using Lead Rosin Core solder will I still need Flux to dip iron tip in? If so what kind of flux?

Will be getting solder sucker and wick as well

The capacitor height is not important; only the specs are. You don't need flux with the type of solder you want to use; just make sure your iron tip is clean and don't overheat the traces.
At the very least use 63/37 solder. The rosin core is the flux so none is required.

Your tip should be cleaned on a sponge or wire pad of some sort and you can also use a wax block for cleaning. Keep the tip tinned in that solder and it will stay nice. Keep the temp properly adjusted and you should be fine.