Car Subwoofer - Powered by PSU

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Nov 5, 2013
I've gotten a psu and jumped it, i then tested the connections using a voltmeter and the resulting volt was 11.97 however it stopped working and after restarting it it only gives out 1v, what has happened?

Pictures of the subwoofer setup at the minute, however it does not currently work properly as the power supply i'm using does not output enough amps



The psu in question will be used to power my subwoofer but it's only giving out 1v and it needs to be 12v

Ahhh i understand your confusion now, the subwoofer is intended for use in a car and i intend to make use of it in my room, sorry for not clarifying that

Is this a rare PC where the main psu has an external socket for a loud speaker ?

Or some sort of external psu for the loudspeaker ?

Either way you are probably have to buy a new 12 V external psu
Which provides enough amps for amp or sub woofer
3A 40 W does not seem enough
What is ratting of sub woofer or amp ?


Mike Barnes
I jumped the psu so that it would work without a motherboard and i intend to use the positive and ground connections of the cpu/gpu to power my subwoofer as a cheap option

You're trying to use a computer PSU? Yehah, that probably won't work.
There are many 110v -> 12v transformers out there.
it was recommended to me by 2 people earlier who claimed that they had both done this although i'l be honest i thought it to be a bit out there as well, particularly as i'm no electrician... I've been searching for one however i can't seem to find what i'm looking for, is it possible you could link me on?

If you were an electronics hobiest or engineer you would know how to do this

I have seen articles on how to
make a old PC CPU into a 12 V psu
But I would not do it myself .

Transformer is not much use without a rectifier & regulator circuit

google convert pc psu to 13.8v
Gives some articles on this subject

If you do not know about dangers of mains electricity and have experience of soldering you should leave to experts & buy a built unit

Mike Barnes

would it work if i found a transformer that changed it to DC 12v like i currently have it set up just with more amps?
As it is now it works however only on very low gain, if i exceed this gain the sound just distorts

Well, why ask us? Why not just ask them?
If the subwoofer cabinet has a 25a fuse that is essentially a piece of wire and has no protection value at all. If the sub amp you are using has a 25a fuse than the you will need a 12v regulated power supply with much more than 3 amp output. These are is closer to what you need
PC power supplies don't even come close to powering these kind of amps.
Speakers Amps are generally rated on RMS (root mean square) .... which averages out the load..... however the peaks can easily exceed the average resulting in clipping which can damage speakers.....

To demonstrate the effect, I find Fiona Fiona Apple's 1st album very good test for such behavior as her voice not only has wide vocal range but also a wide range of amplitude.

The audiophile "rule of thumb" is to use an amplifier rated at twice the speaker's rating.
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