Cards to watch in late July-August


Aug 7, 2013
So I just sold my 8gb 290x, it was underwhelming, and might convince me to go team green. I'd spend about 500 on a new card, and some here have suggested picking up a 980. I don't want to buy a used card unless I find some crazy deal.

Which cards should I be on the lookout for? still the 980, or will there be a fury-x to consider ( I only want air cooled).

Are new nvidia cards coming that will lower the titan prices? thanks
The new nvidia ones aren't coming soon, I remember reading that they were supposed to come next year...

About the fury.. I think the fury x will be only watercooled, but, there will be a fury aircooled. If you can wait a bit (1-2 months) the 980 probably will need to adapt its price to that 2...