I don't understand why all this hate geared towards Carmack latelly (or all the media focus to begin with)... Tim Sweeny from Epic Games has been saying things like "in the future real-developers won't use DirectX or OpenGL, they'll write their own low-level APIs" and "in about ten years the GPU will be gone, replaced by massive CPU arays"... so either the true gurus are right in their insanity or just insane.
BTW, ID not inventive... right... first 3d engine, first FPS, first deathmatch game, first real-time shadows game... yeah... I suppose. How many GOOD PC games came out this year anyway? How many Inventive oones then? How many years since you've seen something you could say "wow, this is something totally new"?
It's not Carmack's job to make good games, he's a programmer, he's not responsible for story line, modeling, level design, or whatever other aspect of development.