Carrying computer hardware on as carry-on on flight?


Apr 24, 2014
Hey readers!

I'm moving from CA to GA and I want to bring my computer with me but most likely I will have to ground ship it.

I want to remove all the heavy stuff and important hardware and bring it with me as a carry on, on the plane.

I was thinking of bringing the power supply and graphics card and ground ship the rest of my gaming rig to GA.

Should I might as well bring the motherboard along with the CPU in my carry on?

Also, will I be confronted with security about my items when I get to the security checks?

Any suggestions are greatly welcomed on what I can ship and what I should bring onto the plane as a carry-on.

Thanks for reading guys!
Ship it fully assembled. Pack the inside hard with bubble wrap. Put the case in its original box.

If its small enough (eg mict ATX case) to take as hand luggage then do so. You'd need to check with the airlines first.

If not, send it by courier.
Ship it fully assembled. Pack the inside hard with bubble wrap. Put the case in its original box.

If its small enough (eg mict ATX case) to take as hand luggage then do so. You'd need to check with the airlines first.

If not, send it by courier.