
Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

Ok... here's my logic before I ask the question.

A vampire in my uncontrolled region must come out if the pool on the
card is at the vampire's capacity or greater.

If I had a skill card on a 4 cap (making him 5 cap) who is in my
uncontrolled region, I can still govern down to him with a 5 cap
because the skill card is out of play and not in affect.

Ok, so here is my question.

If I banish, or Peace of Khetamon my own weenie (below 4) with a
hostage counter from the Carver's meat packing and storage, could I
influence that weenie back out into my ready region? And would it
still be a hostage, and can not be diablerized? If it went to torpor
again, would it get another hostage counter? Or would it permately stay
there? Since, well the hostage counter would never burn away even if
the carver's is burnt. It has to be able to come out, right?


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

> If I banish, or Peace of Khetamon my own weenie (below 4) with a
> hostage counter from the Carver's meat packing and storage, could I
> influence that weenie back out into my ready region?

I believe yes, because hostage counter is out of play until the vamp is
already back in the ready region.

> And would it still be a hostage, and can not be diablerized?

Correct, but that's moot because ready vamps can't be diablerized.

> If it went to torpor again, would it get another hostage counter?

Yes, though there's currently no different between 1 or more than one
hostage counter.

> Or would it permately stay there?

I'm guessing you mean, "would [the vamp] permanently stay [in torpor]?"
and I think the answer is no, assuming you banish it or something like

> Since, well the hostage counter would never burn away even if
> the carver's is burnt.

I'm not sure about this. I think if Carver's is burnt, even out of
play hostage counters are burnt, which is weird. Maybe the out of play
hostage counters aren't burnt, and then they have no effect unless
another Carver's gets put into play.

> It has to be able to come out, right?

Yes, I think so. If you have enough pool on the uncontrolled vamp at
the end of your influence phase, then it must go to the ready region.

My $0.02,



Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

> > And would it still be a hostage, and can not be diablerized?
> Correct, but that's moot because ready vamps can't be diablerized.

Not completely moot, Amaranth in combat cannot be done.


Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?)

On 29 Aug 2005 01:51:28 -0700, "ira212@gmail.com" <ira212@gmail.com>

>> If it went to torpor again, would it get another hostage counter?
>Yes, though there's currently no different between 1 or more than one
>hostage counter.

Harder to 'unhostage-ise' the vampire by doing the 'burn blood to burn
a counter' thing. you'll need twice as much blood, and twice as many
untap phases.

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