CAS Latency different in BIOS compared to manufacturer


Dec 3, 2015
So in the manufacturers description of the CAS Latency and timing, it shows that it is 13-15-15-28 at 1.2v. In the BIOS, it states that it is 15-15-15-36 on a Gigabyte H170 motherboard. I am not looking to overclock nor is this a overclocking board anyway. I was just looking to plug in the memory and use the computer. Is this latency difference something to worry about?

In my BIOS, it's default is "Enhanced Stability" while there is optimal and standard available. But again, the default should be Enhanced Stability.

Please let me know as I am worried.

I tried the standard settings before and the CAS and Timings were still not as advertised as 13-15-15-28. So I just went back to enhanced stability as I want my computer to be stable as possible. I don't really like touching the BIOS so further advice is appreciated.

You can change timing settings manually to manufacturer specifications.
But if you are not comfortable with changing settings in BIOS, then just leave as it is.
Performance difference would be minimal anyway (noticable only in benchmarks).

You can also use CPU-Z software to view latency settings that are registred in SPD
and check if they correspond to specification you expected.


This is what it says on CPU-Z. I am not looking to enhance performance. I just want to make sure that it is okay the latency and timings are not the same as advertised. Just looking for stability and reliability. BIOS is set to enhanced stability so should I just trust that?

I have a H170-D3HP from Gigabyte, Bios version F3.

Both CPU-Z and Speccy is reading it at 15-15-15-36.

Sorry I am a loyal dumbass. My BIOS is reading 15-15-15-36.

Again, I am just making sure this is okay in regards to stability and reliability.
Way to obfuscate things in the BIOS GigaByte. I had a look at your manual, and they don't appear to make it clear. However I think that Enhanced Performance will enable the XMP profile. Though I can't be certain. I would suspect Normal will use one of the JEDEC profiles. It could be that the memory timings you are seeing in the BIOS are just used to POST, it could be once the system POST's that it uses one of the JEDEC profiles. Having a look in the Memory tab of CPU-Z like I mentioned will tell you what timings are being used once it gets to Windows.

No, I was just a dumb ass and posted the wrong timings originally. I just restarted and loaded BIOS and it was set to the same as CPU-Z and Speccy.

Have you tried the Enhanced Performance option in the BIOS?

No I have not. As mentioned earlier, I am aiming stability and reliability over performance. As long as my settings are fine, I would just leave it at that and am looking to make sure it is okay to run it at slightly different timing preferences. Is it okay?