Hello everyone.
I have $160 left for my build to spend on a case and a PSU.
I have decided to go with OCZ Technology 750 Watt Fatal1ty Series for $80
picked this PSU cuz of brand and the red LED that I want for the whole case.
which leaves me with $80 to spend on the case.
I want:
■painted interior
■easy cable management for a complete noob (my first build)
■a nice aggressive look. don't suggest cases that look like a damn flat box.
■good air flow because i will OC[/cpp][/cpp]
■must fit 7850 (the asus version), and after market CPU coolers when i get one in the future.
■]side window because again i don't want a flipin box and if am spending $900 on a PC i want to see what I spent it on damn it!!!
■and lastly red led fans (for reasons refer to above)
■Not sure if i need USB 3.0 in front panel but it would be a plus
now unless u suggest a case that makes me go OMG OMG must have I would like to stay w/ in that $80 (or $160 PSU and case) so dont suggest anything above $100 (if ur not changing the PSU).
my system specs are:
3570K, HD 7850, 120Gb SSD, asrcok z77 extreme 4, crucial 8GB 1600. yes i will OC
am open to changing my PSU and even buying a case (NOT A DAMN BOX!!!!) and putting my own red LED fans in it but at this point am lost and need help putting that together for the money that i have.
Any help is much appreciated so thank you in advance.
I have $160 left for my build to spend on a case and a PSU.
I have decided to go with OCZ Technology 750 Watt Fatal1ty Series for $80
picked this PSU cuz of brand and the red LED that I want for the whole case.
which leaves me with $80 to spend on the case.
I want:
■painted interior
■easy cable management for a complete noob (my first build)
■a nice aggressive look. don't suggest cases that look like a damn flat box.
■good air flow because i will OC[/cpp][/cpp]
■must fit 7850 (the asus version), and after market CPU coolers when i get one in the future.
■]side window because again i don't want a flipin box and if am spending $900 on a PC i want to see what I spent it on damn it!!!
■and lastly red led fans (for reasons refer to above)
■Not sure if i need USB 3.0 in front panel but it would be a plus
now unless u suggest a case that makes me go OMG OMG must have I would like to stay w/ in that $80 (or $160 PSU and case) so dont suggest anything above $100 (if ur not changing the PSU).
my system specs are:
3570K, HD 7850, 120Gb SSD, asrcok z77 extreme 4, crucial 8GB 1600. yes i will OC
am open to changing my PSU and even buying a case (NOT A DAMN BOX!!!!) and putting my own red LED fans in it but at this point am lost and need help putting that together for the money that i have.
Any help is much appreciated so thank you in advance.