My in need of help is that my PC get's hot during the summmer and my PC get's hot even though i have 4 fans blowing out the hot air inside my case and 3 blowing fresh air into my case but it doesn't seem to work or is it just because of my fans i choose for my system or is it my case? I have a bitfenix 120mm blowing fan from the back out of my case and 3 120mm corsair AF series fans blowing it out from the top and bottom, then the ones that are blowing air into my case are the cooler master jetflo that is blowing fresh air into my case from the side panel, one corsair AF series blowing air from the front as well as the bitfenix fan. I'd test out the AF series fans and it doesn't seem it's a good fan to use for airflow to blow air into your case and should i move to the corsair SP series fan for better performance. My case is a Bitfenix Shinobi. Thanks in return!