TaintedG :
Maxx_Power :
TaintedG :
maestro0428 :
That looks like a 92mm but I cannot be sure. You can measure though.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999617 You could try this one if it is 92mm. I have experience with their fans and they are great. Panaflo, Rexus, Corsair, Sharkoon and Vantec are all good fan makers in my experience.
It's not making any noise now, but is it still possible that the bearings are messed?
Absolutely. If it IS the bearing, then it'll be an intermittent issue before it becomes chronic, then seizes. Most case fans begin to rattle/grind intermittently prior to continuous symptoms.
Either way, a new 92mm fan isn't expensive, those Arctic Cooling ones (with a proper full frame) are really economical (couple of bucks at most places) and last a long time due to the FDB bearings they use.
What could be a sign of that other than the sound?
Rattle, excessive vibration, noise are all characteristics of a non-centered or bare/uneven/non-smooth bearing to sleeve mating. If the fan was working before, and started to exhibit those kinds of symptoms, you can be fairly sure of its cause. Re-lubrication of the bearing when these symptoms first start can essentially rejuvenate a fan to nearly new condition, but if one waits, the damage to the bearing and sleeve accumulates with inadequate lubrication. When the damage is significant (just a few microns of wear, usually), lubrication can no-longer fix the issue, the rattle/wobble/vibration will no-longer go away after re-lubrication due to uneven mating surfaces of the sleeve-bearing shaft assembly. This is the case for sleeve bearing fans.
There are other types of bearings, most commonly are the ball-bearing varieties, for which, re-lubrications can lengthen the lifespan of the bearings, but won't fix any issues to the same degree as the sleeve bearing varieties. Commonly used for power supplies, servers, etc, etc...
There are also magnetically levitated bearings, for which, there is no maintenance to be done. Sunon is well known for their mag-lev fans that seems to last a long time.
There are also some fluid dynamic bearings, that are essentially hermetically sealed sleeve bearings but with a cushion of lower viscosity fluid. This bearing fluid should never dry up, and the metal parts should never come in complete contact during operation, so you can't usually re-lubricate these types of bearings. Modern HDDs use this type of bearing.