
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I just got a new case for my server (17" tower) and it has 2 fans on the front, a fan on the side, and a fan on the top as well as the Powersupply
fan. now All fans (except for the power supply fan) are intake fans (blowing air inside the case) I know I need at least one more that blows air out
of the case, and it makes sense to me to take the fan at the top of the case and turn it around so it blows air out side since hot air rises and that
would make air come in from the 2 bottom front fans and the fan on the side of the case and blowing the air in and have the top fan and the power
supply fan blowing air out. Is this the best arrangement or should I do something different (this is how the case came out of the box)



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Your idea is sound.


"DrHibbert" <No@Spam.com> wrote in message
> I just got a new case for my server (17" tower) and it has 2 fans on the
front, a fan on the side, and a fan on the top as well as the Powersupply
> fan. now All fans (except for the power supply fan) are intake fans
(blowing air inside the case) I know I need at least one more that blows air
> of the case, and it makes sense to me to take the fan at the top of the
case and turn it around so it blows air out side since hot air rises and
> would make air come in from the 2 bottom front fans and the fan on the
side of the case and blowing the air in and have the top fan and the power
> supply fan blowing air out. Is this the best arrangement or should I do
something different (this is how the case came out of the box)
> Thanks
> DrHibbert


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

o Upper rear fans should exhaust out
o Lower front fans should intake air in

If you haven't fitted/bought/populated all the fan holes, you may just want to
try it with the exhaust-only fans fitted and see how it is re temperatures.

Also set any fan near the CPU-cooler to exhaust out re cooling.
o Impingement CPU coolers (fan over fins over plate) recirculate hot air
---- about 40% of their heated exhaust air is recirculated by the fan on top
o Ideally this heated air should be removed before it is recirculated
---- so the CPU temperature is reduced for the same cfm/noise fan

Do not leave upper rear fan ports empty - since that will allow airflow
to short-circuit into the other exhaust fans vs pulled in from the case front.

With any changes, try before v after temperature comparisons.
Dorothy Bradbury
www.stores.ebay.co.uk/panaflofan for fans, books & other items
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dorothy.bradbury/panaflo.htm (Direct)


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I also have a 17" tower and use the following fan configuration.

70mm exhaust at back of case approximately above AGP slot (usual
70mm intake at front of case aimed at the processor and RAM (not at
bottom of case).
Power supply exhaust only, no bottom intake fan on PS.

I've experimented with other locations of the intake fan and found the
above configuration to keep the CPU the coolest. I think it's like
the other poster said, with the stock CPU heatsink and fan, you are
basically generating hot air all around, so my method helps push that
hot air to the rear exhaust fan.

I have thermometers on the top of my hard drive cases (same way
manufactuer measures temp) and the temp there varies between 25 deg C
and 42 deg C depending on the ambient temp of my computer room. Spec
is no more than 55 deg C. These drives are mounted at the bottom
front of the tower (like usual) with space in between and appear to
get enough air flow from the exhaust action of the rear fan pulling
air in from the front and sides of the tower.

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 21:37:22 GMT, DrHibbert <No@Spam.com> wrote:

>I just got a new case for my server (17" tower) and it has 2 fans on the front, a fan on the side, and a fan on the top as well as the Powersupply
>fan. now All fans (except for the power supply fan) are intake fans (blowing air inside the case) I know I need at least one more that blows air out
>of the case, and it makes sense to me to take the fan at the top of the case and turn it around so it blows air out side since hot air rises and that
>would make air come in from the 2 bottom front fans and the fan on the side of the case and blowing the air in and have the top fan and the power
>supply fan blowing air out. Is this the best arrangement or should I do something different (this is how the case came out of the box)