Case fans - where to connect?

Yes - your motherboard has three fan headers. One is clearly marked CPU_FAN - use that one only for the CPU fan. The other two connectors are system fans. One is a three pin, the other is a four pin. Your case fans will probably be three pin fans. Three pin fans can also connect to four pin fan headers - they are keyed to be compatible. Anyway, hook your two case fans to the SYS_FAN headers and you'll be all set.
if you can pic mine as the solution that will be great and yes as larkspur confirmed for the two case fans its sysfan1 and sysfan2, then for your cpu fan which you have probably already guessed is labelled cpufan!

The fans in the case are cm xtraflo 120 slims and they are 4 pin. Does this mean i can only use 1, if the other system fan is 3 pin?
no both will be fine just one will vary in speed the other will stay constant, I'd suggest to use the 4 pin fan on the front of your case bringing air in and have the 3 pin fan on the rear blowing air out

Thanks, but my cpu is already plugged in and working. Thank you for your help!
CPU_FAN - Only use for your CPU cooler's fan - do NOT use for your case fans.

SYS_FAN2 (4-pin) - Use a PWM splitter (linked below) to connect BOTH case fans to this same header. This will allow both fans to run in PWM-mode which will allow them to run quieter when computer is idle (PWM fans have a greater range of speeds than normal voltage-regulated three-pin fans). If you don't use PWM, the fans will spin faster (and louder) under idle but will still work fine and will still reach the same maximum speed. If you don't care about noise, then you can hook them up to either SYS_FAN connector. Otherwise, get a PWM splitter like this and use the SYS_FAN2 header: