Case from scratch


May 20, 2015
I am currently in the middle of designing my own computer case but I've gone for a different approach compared to the usual style for cases, I was wondering for opinions on it and if it is possible for me to post an image on here of the basic design for it
I don't see why you couldn't post images. Feel free. I've tried my hand at case design and modification a few times, but unfortunately I tend to give up. haha. While Tom's is a huge community, you could also try some of the smaller modder communities like modders-inc to talk to people who have experience in this type of work.
I feel that i have a good design in mind but this is my first case from scratch and I'm honestly unsure as if it is worth continuing or how to post images to here and my apologies for posting an answer instead of reply, i honestly didn't see the reply option before i had already posted[/img]

The red object is the graphics card and the brown is an aftermarket cpu cooler
the back is flat for the mobo i/o ports
the indent on the top is for a usb 2.0 plug that will be plugged into the top half, on the side of the image where it is tan is 4 exhaust micro fans
all cables will be ran down the supports and the powersupply is going to be sitting on the top of the section of highway

In a form it is, the mobo is going to be inclosed in the base and the i/port on the front is only going to house mic, headphone, and some usbs both 3.0 and 2.0

The full tower is inspired from a scene from Transformers:AOE, thee is a scene where the dinobot leader Grimlock is jumping off of a section of highway, if i get approved by Hasbro to actually use Grimlock then im going to go further into the project, but if i get denied im going to just end up buying a case, the section of highway will have different ascetic pieces that also have a function, there will be a flipped semi-trailer where the psu will look like it was being transported and there will be 1 or 2 other vehicles with indicators to let me know that the hdd or ssd is in use

I'm just covering my self because i have to outsource for grimlock because i want to get him 3d printed in pieces because he is going to be a functional piece to the tower, not just cosmetic and when it is finished i did plan on actually posting to modders forums with pictures of the tower, the main reason i went for this to is i wanted to do a case that didn't require any case fans, the ones on the side aren't always going to be running or might not even be put in.