Case make a little noise


Jul 30, 2013
the case itself make the noise , i mean when i move the case from it's place the noise goes
and if i move the case again the noise back
if i put my hand on any place on the case sometimes it make the noise more noisy , and sometimes it make the noise less , so do i have to change the whole case ? and what do you recommend ? i heard that there's a case for noise cancellation called : Silencio 550

thanks a lot and sorry for my English.

no all the legs make the noise still there ,
but sometimes one or two legs off the ground make noise less , i really dunno what to do
well first if we locate the source of the sound we can maybe help.. I would say if it is the case panels, you could tryyy *try* banging it into a slightly different shape with a hammer? but theres no way to tell if that will work until we try

You asked for suggestions on a new case.

What is your current case?
What is your CPU cooler?
Is the noise louder when you remove the side panel?
Is the sound from a fan, and if so is the CPU, video card, power supply or case fan?
Is it a hard drive sound?
Is it caused by vibration, and if so what is causing the vibration?

i dunno if this will help but it maybe my last option

current case : nzxt guardian 921
cpu cooler : the one that comes with it , i didn't buy any cooler , my cpu is i5-3570
no maybe the same sound when i remove the side panel
the case fans was connected to the power supply so they were run at full speed , now i connected them to the motherboard so they work with less rpm so they don't make sound
yea the hard drive make "weird" sound not noise , and that's sometimes not all the time
i dunno what's causing the vibration , if u searched for the case on google images u can see that it has a front door , now i opened this door the "vibration" is gone ! , but i'm sure once i shutdown the pc and turn it on next morning it will vibrate till i close the door again ! that's a weird thing i know , sometimes it need the door to be open and sometimes to be closed !

thanks bro and sorry for bothering you

This is a very popular cooler because it is cheap and performs well.
It is not as quiet or securely fastened as some other offerings (e.g. Noctua).

Check that the heatsink is fitted correctly for your CPU type.
Check that the fan is securely fastened.
If the fan is the source of the noise, consider replacing it (not the whole cooler, just clip in a new fan).
You can use another PWM fan like the one you have, or use a quiet fixed speed fan.
Nexus and Noctua make good fans.
Make sure that any fan you choose has high static pressure. Some case fans are designed to move high volumes of air when there is little resistance but can't push or pull air through a heatsink.

yeah the sound would only happen on startup and went away right after, i recently upgraded my 6300 to an 8320 and re did the hyper and its working great now

You need to figure out what the sound is before you can fix it.

The hard drives make sounds when reading or writing, but not otherwise so that is easy to identify.
If it is one of the case fans, try disconnecting each one one at a time and see if this stops the noise.
Does it seem like the whole case is vibrating, or is there noise coming from one component?

Make sure the case is on a level surface with all four feet touching the floor or desk.
Is the case on a hard surface or carpet?