Casper Clone error (21) only on -SECOND BACKUP-


Mar 5, 2017
Casper Clone V8 Win 7 Pro 64
When I set up Casper in TASK SCHEDULER the FIRST scheduled CLONE works OK
The SECOND -scheduled CLONE- gets an error:
A problem was encountered with the operation of Disk 1 [XXXXXX]. The device may be configured improperly or at risk of failing (23)

If I then do a MANUAL CLONE it works fine with no errors. I can MANUALLY CLONE time after time with no error.
If I run CHKDSK after -the FAILED task- it shows correctable disk errors on the target. Both drive stats show no problems.
Your best bet is to get in touch with Casper tech support and provide a detailed description of the problem you're experiencing. Their tech support is very reliable & responsive. They will probably require you to provide configuration reports from within Casper as well as other diagnostic information and will walk you through on how to prepare/submit these reports.

BTW, is there any reason you haven't upgraded to version 10?


Mar 5, 2017
Thank you for a very fast response-
I thought someone might have come across the problem before contacted Casper. I don't like to waste someones time if the problem has been fixed before.
I -tried- Casper 10 but it appeared to be -slower- when cloning . I especially did not like the new interface look, it is too -simplistic- looking. It is similar to the Window 10 look where they went from nice looking ICONS to stick figures. (I also don't like W10 for that. . and MANY other reasons)
Frankly, the reason I didn't (or more precisely, "couldn't") respond to your specific question was because I seldom use Casper's scheduling capability. It's really just a personal choice on my part. The relatively few times I've employed that capability it seemed to work just fine. But it's just that I'm more comfortable in utilizing Casper's disk-cloning capability on an as-needed basis.

I've been using Casper for probably about 10 years or so now. By & large I've never found another disk-cloning program its equal in terms of its overall effectiveness, simplicity of use, and most of all - speed of operation.

Our chief - virtually exclusive - use of the program is to maintain frequent comprehensive backups of our systems. Our experience has been when the program is thus utilized in that fashion, its speed in creating the clone is far superior to any other program I've experienced.

I would agree with you about the negative comment you had concerning Casper 10's new interface as compared with the Casper 8 version. I was a beta tester for Casper 10 and that was my chief complaint. But strangely - in comparison with your comment that the new interface is "too-simplistic" - my negative comment was just the opposite of yours! I preferred the no-nonsense relatively simple user interface of Casper 8. But the new interface (in my opinion) isn't a "deal-breaker" by any means. The program is still simple for a new user to understand and employ.

My experience with Casper 10's speed of operation appears to differ from your experience. I find its disk-cloning speed even slightly faster than the predecessor version, although the difference isn't terribly great based on my experience. Again, I'm referring to situations where the program is employed on a relatively frequent, routine basis for comprehensive backup purposes. get in touch with Casper's tech support re your issue. As I mentioned, I've found them to be quite responsive & supportive to requests for assistance. Don't be concerned about "wasting someone's time". Assuming you do get in touch with them I would also include your comments re your experience with Casper 10 concerning the program's lack of operational speed as compared with the previous version and your negative comment re Casper 10's interface/design as compared with the previous version. Casper support is sensitive to user's comments re their program.


Mar 5, 2017
Let me clarify a couple of my comments about Casper 10. When I said -simplistic- interface I was referring to the LOOK of the screens and not the complexity. And the -slower- comment . . . . I was comparing -disk transfer speeds- (per minute) when cloning and not -total time-, which I did not compare.
In my opinion Casper is -far and away- the best cloning and backup software out there. I have it 'clone' all drives on my PC once a week. It is -very fast- compared to anything else I have seen.
I sometimes work on -other people's- equipment as I retired some time ago from IBM as a Field Engineer and Systems Engineer and everyone likes to call me when they have a problem.
As the problem I am relating is on someone else's PC so I don't have access to it when the 'error' occurs.
I may opt to have 'the user' call Casper and take me out of the loop.

One thing I've herd -after- I tried Casper 10 is that one can change 'the interface' to look more like the 8 interface. If so I may try 10 again.
I am in total agreement with your latest comments re the superiority of Casper compared with other disk-cloning programs. I have occasion to provide assistance from time-to-time to members of our local computer club and other PC users. (Like you, I'm retired, but without the technical expertise you obviously gained as a IBM Field & Systems Engineer!)

Naturally we stress to our club members the importance of maintaining comprehensive backups of their PC systems and to do so on a reasonably up-to-date basis. To that end we recommend (as a general proposition) the employment of disk-cloning programs and in particular to consider the Casper program. As I'm sure you're aware many - if not most - PC users balk at paying $49.99 for a type of program they can obtain freely on the net, notwithstanding the superiority of the Casper program and (hopefully) one's frequent use of the program. We find that most user's primary, if not exclusive, interest is using a "data migration" program on a one-shot basis, the typical scenario of cloning one's former HDD boot drive to a newly-purchased SSD and they're not particularly interested in using the program on a more-or-less routine frequent basis for comprehensive backups. This "Forum" is a good example of that.

(BTW, I should mention that I have no commercial association with the Casper developer ( I only mention that because I've been accused of such in the past because of my expressed zeal for the program.)

In my usual scenario when I access Casper to perform a disk-cloning operation I click the "Copy Drive" item and then nearly always "Perform a different copy". We work with a fair number of different drives & OSs on our desktop PCs (all are installed with mobile racks - removable drives) so I want to ensure my intended destination drive will be listed. (I rarely invoke the SmartStart icon; I'm just used to doing it "my way".)

The basic "Select the source" window opens and as far as I can tell it's identical to the type of similar window in previous Casper versions. So we go on from here with the disk-cloning operation of course.

In general, is this how you utilize the program?


Mar 5, 2017
First off I never even heard of Casper until a fellow ex-IBM'er turn me onto it, I had always used a combination of self-written programs. Once I saw Casper I was hooked. I had tried a variety of other programs and none came close to speed and reliability. (I -know- what well written software looks like.)

I set up Casper to clone, in Windows Task Scheduler, once a week. I also do -manual- clones to thumb drives occasionally as a -carry around- backup in case of a -major disaster-. (like tornado or fire) I believe that you can never anticipate what -might happen- and you can never have enough -backups-. As I keep a lot of financial information and documents on my PC'S I want to insure I have them.
Since using Casper I have had -one- HD problem. Absolutely nothing lost (I also do an automated -daily copy- of new files) with total -down time- of about 15 minutes, thanks to the Casper cloned drive.


Oct 11, 2017
I am having this exact same issue using Casper 8 on Win 7 Pro 64. Did you ever figure out a solution to this?
I've tried changing SATA ports, SATA cables, chkdsk, bad sector scans via HDTune and Crystaldiskinfo and can't find anything wrong. The PC runs smoothly.

The drive will clone via Accuclone and then subsequent backups will be Smartclone, then suddenly the backup will fail with error 23 and default back to Accuclone. This happens at least once a week and seemingly at random. The failed backup will sometimes have NTFS event ID 55 errors / correctable disk errors.

I've tried contacting Casper Support and sent them all my log / system files but have had zero success.

Any help is appreciated!


Mar 5, 2017
Have you swapped out the HD ? Your error -could be- a bad HD, it is -not exactly- the same as my problem.
My problem was the FIRST scheduled/automated backup ALWAYS worked and the SECOND scheduled/automated backup NEVER worked.
Also, mine -did not default- it just gave the error and I would have to FORMAT the drive to get it to work again. It sounds like yours works most/some of the time, which suggests a HD problem to me.

I never got Casper to work correctly on that PC and finally gave up. I suspect it's something 'hardware specific' to that particular PC. (it was not mine, someone else's I was working on)
I tried everything including swapping out the HD. Although swapping out the HD didn't fix anything, a couple of months after I did the HD that I removed -did go bad- even though all the diagnostics ran without errors.