Causes of stuttering


Feb 12, 2016
I have a Dell xps 8700 with a 960 mini a 750w PSU, I7 that comes with the xps 8700. I have a terabite hard drive and a CD drive and I stutter on games that are on normal one in particular GTA V I cleaned my computer, back in June or July of 2015 I bought the nvidia asus 960 mini, I had a nvidia 650 before I don't believe in uninstalled the old drivers. I had to update my bios and all that good stuff. I don't really have a good monitor, pretty small I'm I'm not sure if that could be causing it either. I can't play Ark Survival without lagging although since I bought the new PSU its been working fine so far. I experienced more stutter in Elder Scrolls Online.... -_- I'm not sure if itnws server lag or not but it sure as hell seemed like it was graphic lag. A lot of the time if I alt tab I see that 100% of my disc is being used. I am not sure if that's the problem I defragged everything twice. So what could my problem be.
With that hardware, you should be able to play most games well on medium settings @ 1920x1080 (without AA) something is wrong, let me think an ill get back to you unless somone comes along with answers I have also thought of. is there any more information you could think of to clarify the situation? (Average frame rat on specific games, Hard Drive model, GPU speeds. Etc.)
My average frame rate is about 60 FPS, I tried GTA V with my GPU with a 460W PSU and it stuttered a whole hell of a lot. Well I thought for ESO it was my disc being defragmented, Well I ran the defrag twice and it stills stutters a lot.