CCC driver WTF?

May 6, 2014
Hi! i have an: AMD7770 DDR5 2GB. I recently bought 2 monitors to use with my computer. The problem is the monitor I use with the HDMI port will not work! there is nothing wrong with the cable or monitor. ( As soon as i start computer both of them light up and shows bios and so on. )

I cant see my other screen in the CCC or in windows at all! It wont get anny connection..
so I thought there was something wrong with the driver, I uninstalled it using driver sweeper and rebooted my comp.

Here is the thing. NOW i can use both screens! and everything works fine WITHOUT THE DRIVER... but i cant play anything without a driver so i installed it again and BOOM only 1 screen works again?!.. Someone help?

And thanks in advance!
have you tried changing the resolution for the secondary screen when it goes blank?

What is the other connection you are using for the monitors? One is HDMI. If the other one you are using is VGA, try using a different connection, like DVI.
i only have one DVI and one HDMI, one screen is connected to the DVI (the one that is working) the other connected to HDMI witch is not working.
i cant change the monitors restitution because my computer will not recognize the screen and therefor cant change restitution!
Restitution.. haha

Have you tried swapping the cables to test that both cables work, both hdmi ports work, and both hdmi ports work on the monitors? That would rule out any broken components.
I have now tried all connection, i have a VGA and HDMI on my motherboard. None of the works, if i use only the HDMI on the graphics card, bios show as usual then blank.. It feels like as soon as the graphics card driver powers up it goes blank.

resolution*** <3
Did some quick googling and one thing to try is switch the secondary monitor to be your primary, and leave the other one unplugged. Then boot your comp up using only that monitor (which was the blank one before) and install drivers for it. After installing drivers, shut down and switch the monitor back to the original setup, and hopefully it will work.

That's the process that I found, but I suppose it could be a simple monitor driver issue. Try downloading the monitor drivers for whatever models you are using.

changed graphics card.. problem solved :)