CD Rom drive problem


Apr 20, 2015
I have HP G62 Laptop
tow weeks ago i opened it to solve "processor fan problem"
but i saw that > to remove the motherboard i have th remove the cd/dvd drive before ... then i removed it and i solved the problem of the processor fan but.... when i turn on my laptop again i saw that the cd/dvd drive is not working ...... can any body pls help me ....
thanks . :)
could have a loose
cable or slight corrosion on the contacts (usually for a laptop)
step 1:See if the drive appears in Windows 7 BIOS
step 2:Checking the drive name in Device Manager in Windows 7
Step 3: Resetting the power on computers running Windows 7
Under certain conditions the drive might lose communication with Windows, even after restarting Windows. To reset the drive, do the following steps:
Select Start and then Shut down from the power menu.
Wait until the computer fully shuts down and then disconnect the power cord from the computer.
If you have a notebook computer, remove all batteries from their compartments, wait 10 seconds, and then reinsert the battery (or batteries). If your notebook computer has a battery that is...
could have a loose
cable or slight corrosion on the contacts (usually for a laptop)
step 1:See if the drive appears in Windows 7 BIOS
step 2:Checking the drive name in Device Manager in Windows 7
Step 3: Resetting the power on computers running Windows 7
Under certain conditions the drive might lose communication with Windows, even after restarting Windows. To reset the drive, do the following steps:
Select Start and then Shut down from the power menu.
Wait until the computer fully shuts down and then disconnect the power cord from the computer.
If you have a notebook computer, remove all batteries from their compartments, wait 10 seconds, and then reinsert the battery (or batteries). If your notebook computer has a battery that is sealed within the computer's case, a battery that cannot be removed easily, skip this step.
After waiting at least 10 seconds, reconnect power to the computer.
Turn on the computer and wait for Windows to start. If any messages open stating that Windows is installing new hardware, wait for Windows to finish before checking to see if the CD/DVD drive is available.
If the drive is still missing after resetting power, continue to the next step.
Go to step 5 and above from here..