CDRW not being detected as pri or sec slave...



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

But it is being detected as pri or sec master. The problem is that I have
two harddrives (6GB and 4GB) as pri master and sec master respectively.
Neither of the hd's are detected if I set the jumpers to pri or sec slave
with the cdrw as master.

My old cdrw is still detected if I set it as slave, but its cd tray is
broken, hence the new purchase, a Samsung 52x24x52x. PC has mainboard
PCChips M748MR, 400MHz P2 with 128MB RAM. The pc is fairly old, so I don't
plan on buying a new hd.

Does anyone have any suggestions of a configuration that will have the cdrw
set as slave? Is it possible that the Samsung cdrw cannot run as a slave?

To clarify: if I set jumpers so that CDRW = pri master and HD1 = pri slave,
then HD1 is no longer detected.
If I set jumpers so that HD2 = sec master and CDRW = sec slave, then CDRW is
not detected and I get an "ATAPI INCOMPATIBLE Press F1 to Resume" error msg.
Similar scenario with HD1 = pri master and CDRW = pri slave.
If I set jumpers so that HD1 = pri master and HD2 = pri slave, then HD2 is
no longer detected.
If I set jumpers so that CDRW = sec master and HD1 = pri master while
disconnecting HD2, the CDRW is detected and works fine.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

PC has mainboard
PCChips M748MR,

I have bad experience with that brand of Mainboard. Probably the Mainboard
is faulty.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 15:29:47 +0200, Fredericks wrote:

> But it is being detected as pri or sec master. The problem is that I have
> two harddrives (6GB and 4GB) as pri master and sec master respectively.
> Neither of the hd's are detected if I set the jumpers to pri or sec slave
> with the cdrw as master.
> My old cdrw is still detected if I set it as slave, but its cd tray is
> broken, hence the new purchase, a Samsung 52x24x52x. PC has mainboard
> PCChips M748MR, 400MHz P2 with 128MB RAM. The pc is fairly old, so I don't
> plan on buying a new hd.
> Does anyone have any suggestions of a configuration that will have the cdrw
> set as slave? Is it possible that the Samsung cdrw cannot run as a slave?
> To clarify: if I set jumpers so that CDRW = pri master and HD1 = pri slave,
> then HD1 is no longer detected.
> If I set jumpers so that HD2 = sec master and CDRW = sec slave, then CDRW is
> not detected and I get an "ATAPI INCOMPATIBLE Press F1 to Resume" error msg.
> Similar scenario with HD1 = pri master and CDRW = pri slave.
> If I set jumpers so that HD1 = pri master and HD2 = pri slave, then HD2 is
> no longer detected.
> If I set jumpers so that CDRW = sec master and HD1 = pri master while
> disconnecting HD2, the CDRW is detected and works fine.
Some (most?) HD's have more than 1 master setting, master alone, and
master with slave. Are you certain you have them correct, and that the
cdrw is set for slave. Do you have 80 wire cables? Have you tried CS
(Cable Select) on all drives connected.

Abit KT7-Raid (KT133) Tbred B core CPU @2400MHz (24x100FSB)


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