Celeron G3900 for Gaming


Oct 7, 2016
So I want to build a super-cheap gaming pc (around $500AUD) including shipping, excluding OS (I have win7 disc). All builds go above $500 by around $50 because I want to be able to game on it.

I want to play Warframe decently. My laptop does around 40fps med settings, but it can get pretty bad in big situations (often get >20fps in the middle of an intense game). I see people gaming on the pentium G4400 and I used to think everything below i5 was crap (USED TO!!), so I thought that maybe the celeron could too, it is around $20 cheaper.

I want to pair it up with something like an r7 360 or rx 460, whatever fits my budget, so do you think it'd be able to game?
You can use the PCpartpicker link to check the prices from whatever shop you want to use. The build only needs a 300 watt PSU as is, but the price of the Antec is ridiculously cheap and would power any new graphics card you wanted to use in the future.
Some games yes, some games no. The build below you could use for most games using the integrated graphics and turning the resolution and settings down, then adding a graphics card later when you can afford it.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor ($148.00 @ Shopping Express)
Motherboard: Asus H110M-E Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($79.00 @ Shopping Express)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($46.00 @ CPL Online)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.99 @ Skycomp Technology)
Case: Silverstone PS08B (Black) MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($45.00 @ Storm Computers)
Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($31.00 @ CPL Online)
Total: $408.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-10-22 22:56 AEDT+1100

I think 4gb of ram is fine. I looked it up, all I want to run if Warframe and according the the internet, 4 is fine for it. It is only $29 for 2133mhz 4gb anyway, and I really don't know about integrated graphics. Are they actually usable when gaming?

Also, I found a cougar case with 500w psu for $75, so it saves some money compared to your suggestion.
What you intend will work, but the Celeron is a pretty weak processor. Probably okay for the one game you want to play, but if you decide to play any new games that require a four core, you'll have to upgrade again. The Cougar PSU is nowhere near the quality of the Seasonic based Antec HCG, but probably fine for a low budget build. The HD 530 graphics of the i3 have been able to play any game that I have tried to run on them, plus you would be able to add a more powerful graphics card later. The Celeron would be a bottleneck if using anything larger than say a GTX 950.

What graphics card could you compare to the i3 6100's hd 530 graphics? Just want to put it in perspective...

Is the i3-6100 + hd 530 better than i5-3337U + GT720M 2gb (my laptop)

Wow so the i3 build would dominate my laptop WITHOUT buying a graphics card? If so... O. M. G. My bank account is gonna love me.
You can use the PCpartpicker link to check the prices from whatever shop you want to use. The build only needs a 300 watt PSU as is, but the price of the Antec is ridiculously cheap and would power any new graphics card you wanted to use in the future.
I suggest leave or msy for ur part list and I am currently getting some parts for my PC build ( celeron g3900 and AMD rx460 2gb), honestly don't get i3, with celeron pentium or i5 if ur budget stretches. I am pairing celeron to an article z170(asrock allows downgrade of mobo bios with pre Intel patched micro code so I can overclocked). I plan to use the cheapest mid tower case and a silverstone psu (others at this price are all random brands) and I plan to oc the celeron to 3.5 if I play any demanding game but stock 2.8 is fine for my pleby league if legends needs.
If you are going to get the pc and save up for gfx later i3 might be viable as it's igpu is theoretically 2.4 times faster
PS my build is under 600 for all parts include 1080p monitor, there should be enough cash left for a cheap mouse and keyboard plus video cables.
PS my build will be like 475 for the rig itself and postage. The build by bad actor is honestly nice (antec psu from holy moly seasonic, dual channel ddr4 give 20% boost to hd 530)but parts is from multiple shop so unless u live in the city it's a rip. Also worth noting my rig use ddr3l 4gb because mobo is cheaper z170 only support ddr3 and lower ram clock is better for blck overclock on celeron anyways