Certain Keys on my Windows 8 don't work

Boom Happy

Jun 27, 2014
My Windows 8 keyboard was working fine until today. My S D G J and Q stopped working. I tried cleaning it but then it was okay. The key is still intact and checked under it for dirt or any sticky things. I tried rebooting the laptop, and updating the drivers. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
You can try to remove and reinstall your keyboard physically. Being a laptop it's not impossible it got moved around and came undone. Give it a try.
Change your keyboard and see if that resolved the issue. Could just be coincidence. If you really have a issue and a new keyboard isn't working then roll back to before the updates were installed (you can google how to do that, I'm not in the mood to write a tutorial.)

Good Luck
You can try to remove and reinstall your keyboard physically. Being a laptop it's not impossible it got moved around and came undone. Give it a try.