certain steam games keep crashing and i'm unsure why


Sep 4, 2014
one of the main game that keeps doing this is Dota 2. others are terraria and payday 2

I run win 7 64-bit
with a amd phenom II x4 955 processer 3.82 Ghz
8 GB ram
Ati radeon R7 200 series

This is one of my dump files

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.3.9600.17200 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [F:\Steam\dumps\crash_dota.exe_20140904000700_1.dmp]
Comment: '
Uptime( 2278.601445 )
curtime( 0.000000 )
realtime( 2265.352295 )
Map: dota
Game: F:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota
Build: 1050
OS: Windows Vista (Build 7600) version 6.1 (LimitedUser: yes)
Misc: rate 80000 update 30 cmd 30 latency 52 msec
Time: Wed Sep 03 11:33:57 2014
cmdline:"F:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota.exe" -steam -game dota
driver: Driver Name: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
Driver Version:
VendorId / DeviceId: 0x1002 / 0x6819
SubSystem / Rev: 0xa001174b / 0x0
DXLevel: 10.0 Shader Model 4.0
Vid: 1680 x 1050
video: picmip: 0
forceansio: 1
antialias: 0 (0)
vsync: 0
rootlod: 0
shadowrendertotexture: 0
r_flashlightdepthtexture 1
waterforceexpensive: 0
waterforcereflectentities: 0
mat_motion_blur_enabled: 0
mat_queue_mode -1
mat_triplebuffered: 0

memusage( 53 % )
totalPhysical Mb(8191.30)
freePhysical Mb(3832.38)
totalPaging Mb(16380.75)
freePaging Mb(10986.22)
totalVirtualMem Mb(4095.88)
freeVirtualMem Mb(2304.36)
extendedVirtualFree Mb(0.00)

Paged Pool
prev PP PAGES: used: 0, free 0
final PP PAGES: used: 0, free 0
Active: active SpawnCount 2 MapLoad Count 1
Launching '"F:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota.exe" -steam -game dota'
[46a57]m_nServerCount:2 ishltv:0 m_nRetryNum:1 m_RemoteCount:1
[46a57] szRetryAddress:

ConVars (non-default)

var value default
econ_price_sheet_crc 156709416 0
voice_volume_duck 1 0.5
mat_lowqualityshaders 0 -1
cpu_level 1 2
snd_mute_losefocus 0 1
name crazyspaz unnamed
dota_camera_listening_off 700 0
clientport -1 27005
dota_ability_quick_cast 1 0
dota_player_multipler_ord 1 0
sv_consistency 0 1
speaker_config 7 -1
dota_bot_match_difficulty 3 1
volume 0.286073 1.0
dota_matchgroups 1 0
mat_dxlevel 100 0
hostname crazyspaz
dota_matchgroups_automati 3 0
r_flashlightdepthreshigh 1024 2048
dota_matchgroups_version 4 0
dsp_room 1 0
cl_phys_maxticks 2 0
dota_camera_dotatv_smooth 1 0
steamworks_sessionid_clie 171653716290 0
ss_verticalsplit 1 0
mat_bloom_scalefactor_sca .5 1.0
snd_foliage_db_loss 0 4
sv_skyname sky_dotasky_01 sky_urb01
sf_texture_cache_limit_mb 20 15
tv_transmitall 1 0
dota_match_game_modes_ver 1 0
gl_clear 1 0
snd_musicvolume 0 1.0
mat_processtoolvars 1 0
sf_texture_cache_status 1 0
dota_sf_hero_selection_se 1 0
steamworks_sessionid_serv 171653693812 0
dota_gamemodes_selected_o 23 1
hostip -1062731518
dota_match_game_modes 16 0
budget_panel_height 384 768
dota_competitive_game_mod 2 0
mat_hdr_level 0 2
sound_device_override {}.{e544700
dota_play_landing_tab 1 8
dota_compendium_stretch_g 252862 0
think_limit 0 10
dota_bot_match_use_matchm 1 0
dota_inventory_shuffled_s 128 0
default_fov 70 90
dota_hud_flip 1 0
mat_motion_blur_enabled 0 1

Console History (reversed)

59(2107.051451): Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_troll_skeleton/n_creep_skeleton_melee.mdl over budget: 4486 tris, 1 batches
58(473.999304): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_GAME_IN_PROGRESS'
57(399.294929): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME'
56(379.494118): Model heroes/lion/lion.mdl over budget: 3279 tris, 6 batches
55(373.257717): Model heroes/juggernaut/juggernaut.mdl over budget: 3415 tris, 6 batches
54(363.426447): Model heroes/sven/sven.mdl over budget: 3991 tris, 6 batches
53(342.736711): Randoming npc_dota_hero_disruptor!
52(329.634733): Model heroes/faceless_void/faceless_void.mdl over budget: 6122 tris, 6 batches
51(329.228804): Combining: models/items/faceless_void/faceless_void_crystal_shoulder.mdl from Chronite Armor
50(329.228789): Combining: models/heroes/faceless_void/faceless_void_belt.mdl from Faceless's Belt
49(329.228770): Combining: models/heroes/faceless_void/faceless_void_head.mdl from Faceless's Head
48(329.228752): Combining: models/items/faceless_void/acolyte_gauntlet/acolyte_gauntlet.mdl from Gauntlets of the Acolyte of Clasz
47(329.228709): Combining: models/heroes/faceless_void/faceless_void_weapon.mdl from Faceless Void's Default Mace
46(328.637983): Randoming npc_dota_hero_faceless_void!
45(326.704741): Randoming npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king!
44(326.070582): Randoming npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit!
43(325.636963): Randoming npc_dota_hero_shredder!
42(323.994624): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION'
41(305.847339): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_WAIT_FOR_PLAYERS_TO_LOAD'
40(305.726985): Redownloading all lightmaps
39(301.271492): High Water
38(300.575793): NotifyClientSignon: 6
37(300.319433): Receiving uncompressed update from server (300.32)
36(299.602255): Can't use cheat cvar cl_predict in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
35(299.575921): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
34(299.559112): NotifyClientSignon: 5
33(299.410479): NotifyClientSignon: 4
32(294.207483): Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
31(293.186995): Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
30(292.945249): Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
29(292.940876): Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
28(292.866140): No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
27(292.863910): NotifyClientSignon: 3
26(292.855272): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Dota 2
Map: dota
Players: 3 (1 bots) / 32 humans
Build: 1050
Server Number: 2

24(286.715428): Connected to
23(286.705236): NotifyClientSignon: 2
22(286.531183): 251.743: Sending connect to
21(286.531155): Connecting to
20(286.531029): NotifyClientSignon: 1
19(286.465896): Detected lobby in state RUN, connecting to
18(286.405834): Saving lobby data to disk.
17(282.114942): CDOTA_SF_Matchmaking_Ready::AcceptLobby
16(36.502912): Failed to GetHTTPResponseBodyData for request
15(22.433668): 297602919
13(22.433644): A single-lane map with a winter theme.
Updated Features:

- 1375 starting gold
- Tripled passive gold gain
- Tripled base mana regeneration
- Tripled creep xp bounties
- Doubled creep gold bounties
- Bushes whi
12(22.433636): [0] All Random All Mid
11(22.433596): m_mapGameModeDetails contains 1 items
10(17.482258): --- Missing Vgui material vgui/Resource/icon_hlicon1
9(16.647657): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (camera_datadriven_debug)
8(16.647401): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (script_break_in_native_debugger_on_error)
7(16.647393): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (script_attach_debugger_at_startup)
6(16.647333): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (dota_ugc_binary)
5(16.647279): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (dota_gamemode_ability_draft_test_hero)
4(16.647272): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (dota_gamemode_ardm_hero_count)
3(16.647214): Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (dota_postgame_finish_replay_time)
2(16.646734): WARNING: unable to link fow_viz and fow_viz because one or more is a ConCommand.
1(16.646703): WARNING: unable to link cl_particle_stop_all and cl_particle_stop_all because one or more is a ConCommand.
User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

Symbol search path is: *** Invalid ***
* Symbol loading may be unreliable without a symbol search path. *
* Use .symfix to have the debugger choose a symbol path. *
* After setting your symbol path, use .reload to refresh symbol locations. *
Executable search path is:
Windows 7 Version 7600 MP (4 procs) Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS Personal
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Thu Sep 4 00:07:00.000 2014 (UTC - 7:00)
System Uptime: not available
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:37:59.000
Loading unloaded module list
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(1240.1fd4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntdll.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntdll.dll
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for kernel32.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for kernel32.dll
eax=00000000 ebx=4a42f178 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000002 edi=4a42f198
eip=77de00ed esp=4a42f128 ebp=4a42f1c4 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000202
77de00ed 83c404 add esp,4

I can play other games all day with no problems while streaming a show on my other screen. I'm unsure what i can do to fix this but it's getting really frustrating,
when i first set up my computer my friend overclocked my cpu. But it was running fine for about a year and a half. But i did also replace some hardware recently. To try and fix my issue i've tried getting a new psu, memory, and gpu