CGA YUV VGA Converter CPS2 Video problems JAMMA


May 26, 2009
I purchased one of these

I used the included wiring harness and soldered all of the relevant connections from my jamma harness and checked it thrice.

There is only 1 sync wire coming from my harness so I twisted the two together as normal on the converter harness.

I am currently using the +5v power from my arcade power supply to power the converter.

In the PC monitor I can see the logo and on screen menu properly but cannot see the screen. After changing settings I will occasionally get something to come on the screen but it will be mostly green or a grid of small screens.

I've tried all manner of messing about with the sync.

I've replaced the CPS2A and B boards, I've tried MVS,

I noticed in the instructions that it mentions needing a 2amp 5volt for the power supply. I am using the 20amp 5volt off of the power supply.

Does anyone have any experience with these or perhaps know what could be causing the video not to work? I have seen many successful setups with the exact hardware on Youtube. I do not know why I am having such a problem.

Many thanks.
try a seperate 5v regulated supply (liner type if possible) on the converter board, it may be that you are getting some kind of weird oscillation type of interference on the video input signal side of the converter, although the green garbage output might suggest the converter board could also be faulty.

you could also try adding a 75ohm resister between sync and ground and/or a 220uF 6.3v capacitor in-line between the jamma(+) and the converter(-).
So I got ahold of a matching wall-wart with the correct plug.

The power supply made no difference. I can still capture a single frame of garbled input.

I plan to purchase a second converter to troubleshoot with.

...don't think there is a warranty.