I would like to know your opinion as experts in the field: is it possible to change a damaged CPU socket ( broken pins or bent ), in a 1150 or 1155 board?
It is possible but requires some specialized tools that would cost substantially more than a new motherboard. Search "PCB rework tools".
The labor charges for having someone do it would probably cost more than a new motherboard and you would probably have to wait quite a while until they could get to it.
It is rather very easy. All you have to do is look up your computer motherboard, buy it, replace your current one, and put your CPU and everything back. But don't forget the thermal compound, as you will need to re-apply it.
I would like to know your opinion as experts in the field: is it possible to change a damaged CPU socket ( broken pins or bent ), in a 1150 or 1155 board?
It is possible to replace the socket, but it's also impossible for newbies like you, since I even have experience with computer hardware, and that looks like a disaster. You don't replace the socket, you replace the entire motherboard.
So, is it possible to change the socket at low cost or not? I have an answer from Asrock indicating the whole process and they said...no. The cost are tremendously high: about 60 euros at least and no guarantee that they can fix the board, because it can have other problems. Also I have to send all the accessories to them and they just return me another used board with only 3-month warranty. So, I believe that it's only a good deal if the board is very valuable.
If you are looking forward to replacing a damaged socket, you are wasting you life. Simply remove and replace the mobo, and sell the other on ebay/amazon
And btw, tell me what the full name off your mobo is, and what CPU you use(d) with it.
If you have the money, just get a new [and same] mobo for $90, and if you want to save money, and if you have a normal ATX chassis, get the ASRock FM2A88X+ BTC FM2+ AMD A88X (Bolton D4) mobo for only $71 ($71 plus shipping and tax)