Question Change path for "My Documents"


Dec 31, 2007
We recently had new PCs installed. For some reason, when I click on "Documents" in File Explorer to goes to "C" blah, blah, blah. On the machine I did an in place upgrade as well as my two machines at home it goes directly to the documents folder. I can't save any documents because the path exceeds 218 characters. How would one fix the error?
We recently had new PCs installed. For some reason, when I click on "Documents" in File Explorer to goes to "C" blah, blah, blah. On the machine I did an in place upgrade as well as my two machines at home it goes directly to the documents folder. I can't save any documents because the path exceeds 218 characters. How would one fix the error?
Who set up this machine?

In File Explorer, right click the Documents Library
Select Properties
Select the Location tab.

What is the full path is it showing?
Direct from Dell.
This is what it should look like:

Possibly click "Restore default"
Have to wait until Monday. Win10's "log off" (sign off) feature borks our remote log-in I think. Can't log-in remotely now. Oh, well. Maybe one of the few dozen engineers from over at Wright-Pat that attend our church can figure it out.
Tried your suggestion. Didn't work. Got message I didn't have authorization to create folder. Tried Reset Defaults and it went right back to the long and wrong path. Tried creating "My Documents" folder. Didn't happen. Time to hit up vendor, eh?

Quick update. Rechecked file explorer and the folder "My Documents: appeared. Cut everything from existing incorrect path and pasted into the newly created My Documents folder. As my faithful servant Igor might say, "Master! It's alive. It's alive, I tell you!". I guess my dad, "Tail Gunner Gene" was wrong about air force officers. 😆
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Tried your suggestion. Didn't work. Got message I didn't have authorization to create folder. Tried Reset Defaults and it went right back to the long and wrong path. Tried creating "My Documents" folder. Didn't happen. Time to hit up vendor, eh?

Quick update. Rechecked file explorer and the folder "My Documents: appeared. Cut everything from existing incorrect path and pasted into the newly created My Documents folder. As my faithful servant Igor might say, "Master! It's alive. It's alive, I tell you!". I guess my dad, "Tail Gunner Gene" was wrong about air force officers. 😆

That could come from only one place...Dell.