Changed from analog monitor 5:4 to digital 16:9 . Some games won't launch


Aug 21, 2016
I have changed my monitor from samsung 943n to benq xl2411p .
I enjoy new games in higher resolution but older games won't even launch.
Crash on startup with the new monitor.
Restarted my pc and switched to the old monitor they launch with no problem.
Changed resolution in old games to full hd they launched via ini file.
But when i switch back to my new monitor games crash on startup.
I changed refresh rate from 144 hz to 60 hz, still didn't helped.
I have my new monitor connected via DVI-D dual link.
My old monitor was linked via DVI-A.
Please help,
Some games configure themselves for the monitor that was detected at the time the game was installed. Changing the monitor will cause the game to crash back to the desktop or fail to launch. Uninstalling and reinstalling the game, with the new monitor installed, will usually fix the problem.

The problem is i installed and it crashed .
I run gothic 1 on my old monitor it works. Uninstalled it and put the new monitor in place, install it and it still wouldn't work.
I switch back to my old monitor and it launched.
I tried changing the resolution via ini/txt file to full hd, run in compability mode, lowering refresh rate, lowering my desktop resolution nothing worked.
The only thing that may caused it is that that is called by not having analog input.
I am wondering if buying DVI-I may solve the issue.