Changed my CPU and Motherboard but i have low performance, should i reinstall windows?


May 26, 2017
I recently got a new motherboard and CPU, but their performance has been a bit underwelming. Should I reinstall windows 10? My new motherboard is from a different brand and uses a different chipset. Also my new CPU is from intel while my old one was from AMD.
Windows has gotten pretty dang stable and passable performance for most users with default drivers. Certainly hurts gaming performance but since win 7 got stable a year or two after launch it'll usually run and do so at 75%+ performance even with a complete overhaul.
Windows has gotten pretty dang stable and passable performance for most users with default drivers. Certainly hurts gaming performance but since win 7 got stable a year or two after launch it'll usually run and do so at 75%+ performance even with a complete overhaul.