Question Changes my DRAM to 6000 and. Ow my screen is black ;(

Jul 2, 2022
Ok so I did something kind of stupid, so basically I was checking my bios and then I saw this option that said DDR 4 or something and it was at 3600mhz which it was the base speed for my ram (32gb ram 3600mhz) the problem was that I put that setting in 6000mhz just to see what happens … and when I restarted my pc there was no display in my screen just black screen the keyboard and everything lighted up and was one just I couldn’t see the screen and I’m trying to maybe get to the bios again and change settings but since is all on black I don’t know how please help I’m not asta expert at pcs as u can clearly see ;(

Rtx 3080ti
B550 Steel legend asrock motherboard
32gb xpg spectrix ram
850 W bronze power supply (I think)
Ryzen 9 3900x
SSD 1Tb xpg rbg
oh and btw I also have other issues like sometimes my bios will stuck in a loop and I can’t get out unless I turn my pc manually and turn it on manually again which is just annoying because I can’t restart my pc all the time and finally what should I put in my DRAM speed, because I saw vids of people having 32gb ram and putting it higher but idk if I should put a higher option or just keep 3600mhz