changing a wired connection to wireless


Oct 5, 2014
I set up my router RT-AC66U using my laptop (Win 7) connected by ethernet to the router.
Once done, my family could successfully connect wirelessly to the router and internet.
After disconnecting my laptop used for setup, it does not connect wirelessly to the router.
When I try to connect I can see the SSID, but after clicking Connect, I get "Windows was unable to connect" to the SSID from Windows 7.
I tried rebooting all devices (with ethernet disconnected from all devices) to no avail.
Now What? I am looking at resetting the router to factory settings and starting over, but doing it wirelessly.
Mr. Gadget
Your RT-AC66U is capable of operating on both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. If your laptop's network card is only able to connect to the 2.4Ghz band, ensure that the router has that band enabled.

Now on your laptop go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing, and click on "Manage wireless networks" on the left pane. Select your router's network, right-click and select Properties. Go to the Security tab and fill in accordingly. Then try to connect again.

Remember to always secure your network with WPA2 password
Your RT-AC66U is capable of operating on both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. If your laptop's network card is only able to connect to the 2.4Ghz band, ensure that the router has that band enabled.

Now on your laptop go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing, and click on "Manage wireless networks" on the left pane. Select your router's network, right-click and select Properties. Go to the Security tab and fill in accordingly. Then try to connect again.

Remember to always secure your network with WPA2 password
That really worked. I was ready to start all over with the setup.
All it took was 2 minutes to go to that setting and do the entry.
(I had been trying to use the network icon in lower right corner.)
(the icon would not let me get that far.)
Now it works.
Thank you for the quick response.