Changing between a wireless network and an ethernet network


Mar 19, 2014
I have two network connections at home, 1 work which connects via ethernet and a personal wireless network. How do I switch between the connections without pulling out the Ethernet cable?
It is simplest to manipulate the routes with the ROUTE command. You can only have 1 default route so you would just put in ROUTE DELETE and ROUTE ADD commands to choose.

Now if only one of these networks has internet you can actually have both active at the same time. You would just put the default route on one and then put in the routes to the other network with route add commands. You can actually use 2 internet connection if you are work hard enough using this method also.
ubercake is one option.
Another option is a little bit more complicated but you won't have to turn on/off any of the adapter in future. If you connect the wired network to your wireless router. Unless you want to keep the guest wireless off your LAN.