I have A WD 1 TB Hard Drive that was working ok but when I tried to put in my Thermaltaker case, it stopped working. I have read many possible ways to get it to work and have done all of them. I have bought a new 1TB WD disk and swapped the boards. It didn't work. It might be that the 2 disks had slightly different modal numbers like one was WDEarx and the other was WDEarz or something like that. Now, I returned the new board back to the new disk but it won't work. My question is this..could swapping boards have killed my new disk?
I have A WD 1 TB Hard Drive that was working ok but when I tried to put in my Thermaltaker case, it stopped working. I have read many possible ways to get it to work and have done all of them. I have bought a new 1TB WD disk and swapped the boards. It didn't work. It might be that the 2 disks had slightly different modal numbers like one was WDEarx and the other was WDEarz or something like that. Now, I returned the new board back to the new disk but it won't work. My question is this..could swapping boards have killed my new disk?