Changing Disk Priority When Booting Prevents/Enables Sleep Mode!


Mar 7, 2015
Hopefully the title was clear.

Basically my computer, for some reason, can't sleep (from Windows, Slackware is fine) when I set the BIOS to boot from my HDD which has Slackware Linux and Lilo installed to it. But if I set it to boot from my SSD which has Windows 7 on it, it will sleep just fine from Windows.

Anyone know why this would be? Doing the powercfg /energy command in Windows didn't really say anything specific, and /lastwake didn't mention anything because the computer won't even go to sleep for it to troubleshoot.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Changing the boot order in the BIOS shouldn't affect the ability of the machine to sleep.

I find your question a little ambiguous. Do you mean that you can sleep the computer from Windows, but not from Slackware? This just sounds like a configuration problem. What release of Slackware are you using? The first place to start troubleshooting is to look at the pm-suspend.log file in /var/log.

Or are you somehow booting Windows when you have set the HDD as the boot disk and can't sleep from Windows in that case? If so, how are you booting Windows?

Yes, that is the case. Sorry for not being clear. I boot into Windows with Lilo. Slackware 14.1 is on /dev/hdax and Windows 7 is on /dev/sdax. Not sure why Slackware would not allow me to enter sleep mode while I'm working in Windows 7, but then again I am pretty new to Linux. Guess I'll try to figure how to suspend from Slackware to see if that works or not for now.

Edit: pm-suspend from Slackware works just fine. Just not Windows sleep mode.

That's exactly it McHenryB! Thanks for the help.

Basically Windows wants the first partitions to be bootable. See, my Windows 7 partition on the SSD is the first bootable partition, but the Slackware install on the HDD was not. I guess Windows 7 wants every disk to have the first partition set as the bootable one.

So I just reinstalled Slackware after partitioning it better and set the first one as boot, now Windows can sleep just fine. Thanks for the help guys.