Changing monitor connection


Aug 9, 2017
So I explained about my problem about my gpu not working properly (fps lower then usual). It was answered by somebody saying I need to get a HDMI cable instead the cable I already have (VGA with a dvi plug for my gpu)
Someone mind explaining the difference between the cables.
GPU: ASUS Geforce gtx 780 direct CU II OC
Monitor: HP Pavilion 22cwa 21.5-inch IPS LED Backlit Monitor

VGA is analogic and don't support audio transfer
HDMI is fully digital and can carry sound and video in the same cable

He probably meant you have to plug the cable going out from your monitor into the GPU output and not on the mobo's output.


Its kind of hard to explain. I explained that my new go u is giving me low fps. However someone told me its my monitor and its cable and for MD to get a HDMI cable