changing the number of processors in msconfig?


Dec 30, 2014
So i have an Intel Core i7 860 @ 2.80GHz and was telling a buddy about some slow loading when i play online games and he had me go into msconfig under BOOT tab and click on advanced option and see the number of processors. It shows 1 and he thought i should change it to 4 or 8. I know little about things like this and was wondering if i should, is it safe or should i just leave it alone. Any help would be great thanks.

I i have something else open like my web browser it also seems to effect load times somehow.
Just make sure the checkbox is unticked; that way all processors/cores are used. Don't worry about setting a number; that only takes effect if the checkbox is ticked.

I would very much doubt that the slow loading of online games is related to the number of processors. It is more likely that your Internet connection is the culprit.

In general it is a very bad idea to mess about with settings in msconfig. In most cases you will end up with poorer performance; in the worst case you will end up with an unbootable computer.

Thanks, it's just confusing/frustrating my internet seem solid i can stream/download quickly just tryn to figure out the issues of slow load times and things in games not appearing right aways and big fps drops, the fps issues seems to get a little better when i close my browser and other programs. Guess the msconfig thing was a shot in the dark oh well thanks again

Try to change your DSN settings to and (November 2018)

To anyone who reads this, not do this.

And please don't dredge up 4 year old threads.