charger tip gets too hot!!

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Jan 20, 2016
hi, I have a 3 year old samsung laptop. while charging the laptop, the tip of the charger gets too hot.i got my hand burnt once. Without the battery in, there is no such problem but with the battery in and on charging mode the charger tip gets super hot within 5 mins of plugging in.. What needs to be done? please help!!
If that is the original charger then the plug and socket may need to be cleaned with Isopropyl Alcohol as a poor connection will cause it to heat up.
If it is not the original charger then the hole in the center of the plug may be slightly too large and in that case you would need a new plug.

yes the charger is original.. without the battery inserted, there is no heating issue.. so do you think there is fault in the battery?? but the battery is still giving a good backup time of 2-3 hours.. wot do you recommend?? I even got it shown to a professional, he said that the charger was faulty. I purchased a new charger but my problem didnt get resolved...
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