Charter Internet continuously dropping connection


Oct 21, 2016

For the past few months, I've been having issues with my Internet connection dropping continuously. In fact, this issue has been going on since February and after numerous calls to Charter no one has been able to fix the issue. They've ran a new line to my house, replaced the modem, and we replaced the router ourselves and purchased one of the top-tiered routers from Linksys.

Since the issue has started in February, it was originally a quick, 5-10 second drop. I could notice it when gaming online as I'd lose connection to what ever I was playing and also to the TeamSpeak server I was on.

After the Charter 'technician' (we'll use the term lightly seeing they're very undertrained) came to the house a few weeks back and ran a new line to our house, everything seemed fine for a short time. Not too long after that, the issues came back. Now, it's a constant up and down - much worse than before.

Putting up with this issue for 8 months has pushed me to the edge with Charter and their unqualified technicians. Phone call after phone call, they say there is not an issue and the technicians always claim that there is not an issue.

Anyways that was a lot of background (and venting) for the situation. My question: is there anything else I can do here to try and get our service back up? I've checked the splitters we have outside of our house, unplugged/replugged modem and router, and basically done everything you can to troubleshoot.
