Cheap Battery Possible Dodgy?

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Jul 28, 2016
Hi, so recently I've had to buy a new battery for my old Asus K53SD Laptop as the old battery was on its way out. I bought the battery NOT from asus rather a 'third party' source. I plugged it in seemed to work fin. Charged it up and ran the computer smoothly. But I've been using it off charge today and I lose atleast 1-2% a minute in charge. It's in power saving mode and everything yet it drains really fast. I need some help. Should I return it or is there a solution.

2 side notes:
The laptop charger light was alternating green and orange earlier today, but thats gone now.

Also The Battery was $20-25

Any Help would be AWESOME!
Weight the old and new batteries. If the new battery is significantly lighter, then you can suspect with reasonable certainty that your new battery uses lower-rated cells.

On youtube and elsewhere, there are many people comparing lithium cells obtained from eBay and other questionable sources. They often find out that cells rated 2000-3000mAh by the seller turn out to be 100-500mAh nearly empty cans weighing about half as much as the real things.
Weight the old and new batteries. If the new battery is significantly lighter, then you can suspect with reasonable certainty that your new battery uses lower-rated cells.

On youtube and elsewhere, there are many people comparing lithium cells obtained from eBay and other questionable sources. They often find out that cells rated 2000-3000mAh by the seller turn out to be 100-500mAh nearly empty cans weighing about half as much as the real things.

Hi thanks for you response and so fast! Do you know a place where I can buy batteries from Asus?
Be very, very cautious of cheap Lipo batteries. The tech is great, but complex. Cheap materials, shoddy assembly and poor QC in some nameless overseas craptory creates nice little firebombs that do not go out quickly. Stick to trusted brands with warranties, even at the extra cost. The risk of burning down your home or car aren't worth the few bucks you'll save.

I don't know how DIY you are, but I'll stick something out here for you to consider... You might be able to open the plastic battery housing and replace the cells themselves. I've made dozens of custom battery packs for different uses, and it's not hard. There's plenty of YT vids to research, and once you have a source of good cells, you can make anything in any capacity you need. Really helps cut costs, and deal with those proprietary battery housings.

Best of Luck!

You'll have to shop around. There is no shortage of battery specialist shops, finding some decent ones shouldn't be too hard. You will be paying over $50 for a decent quality battery though as good cells typically cost around $6 when you buy them in small quantities (or bundled in a refurbished pack) and a typical laptop battery will need at least six of those.

Thank you all for you help, I have 1 final question and then some links to what I think are 'Genuine' latop parts and I was wondering if you can confirm that for me.
Ok first of I also bought a cheap charger as well, should I be refunding this to? or is it not that big of a deal.

Heres what I found:
Ebay Genuine Battery
Ebay Original Battery

Are any of these any good and worth buying.
Again thanks alot for the help.
If any of them are local to you, then you can simply go there, pick up a battery and try it out. The biggest advantage of buying locally available batteries or at least batteries from a vendor based in a country with decent safety codes is that the vendor needs to make sure their products are fit for sale if they don't want liability lawsuits should anything go wrong or get called out for false advertising / bait-and-switch / fraud, things sellers from China don't really have to worry about.

Either Australian option should be decent if they aren't committing a felony with every sale.
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