Cheap Gaming PC - Worth it?


Mar 15, 2014
Someone at my Uni is selling a gaming pc for £650 with these specs. I'm not much or a computer expert, but these appear to be pretty good and going at a cheaper price here than if I was to get the same parts myself.
Is this a good buy?

Zalman z11 red
Asus AMD Radeon R9 270X 4GB GPU
Intel i7 4790k quad core 4ghz CPU
Corsair Vengeance 1600 mhz 8 gb RAM + 3 empty slots
Evga Supernova 750 w gold modular supply
Samsung evo 120 gb ssd
Caviar blue 1 tb hdd
Msi z97-g55 motherboard
That is an extremely good price. You might want to first find out why he/she is selling it so cheap. Something could be wrong with it and they're trying to get rid of it. Make sure before buying it you see it running games and maybe try some benchmarks.