Cheap nd best build for gaming


Mar 3, 2016
Hey i want to build a damn cheap nd also best for gaming, can u suggest me a gud gaming pc nd i bought a graphic card (nvidia GeForce gt 730 4gb ddr3). Pls suggest me cheap nd best as much as possible...
Well you´re lucky...
I´ve found the parts for your gaming pc with motherboard that supports DDR3 ram.
This is in total $150 or 9,6k rupees:

8gb DDR3 ram, just select the button: ¨8GB 1333MHZ FOR ALL¨ if you want to order. Because the motherboard only support DDR3 1333 mhz ram...
It depends? Which specific games do you wish to play? Do you already have a monitor? What is its resolution?


More info needed. For basic stuff, you can maybe get something cheap. For high end gaming, it's not going to happen with today's RAM and GPU prices.

The GeForce GT730 is not a gaming card. The integrated graphics of modern Intel processors can outperform it.

This a decent build, under $700, I don't know how cheap you need it but i tried to go pretty cheap, The GT 730 "could" play games, it would work best with a 1366 x 768p monitor/tv, but the gtx 1050 would be better, and you could probably get away with 1080p on low settings with a gtx 1050, the am3+ isn't the most preferred choice when it comes to a build, there is no upgrade path, its outdated, but it will still preform, the build has a 1 gb WD Blue hard drive so don't expect any quick load up times but its cheap, it has 8 GB 1600mhz ram, it has an fx 8350, 8 core processor, but it has a rather cheap motherboard, it will preform but don't expect any overclocking you will be able to handle most games on medium settings with a 1366x768p monitor, and low on a 1080p monitor
Skip the AM3 platform.

I tried to keep most of the list similar, though I went with a Seasonic PSU, and this is a Ryzen platform. Stuck with the same case, GPU, and hard drive.

Almost $100 less, modern platform and DDR4 memory. The only thing I'm not 100% sure on is the motherboard (if it has everything you'd want/need on it, etc), but finding a good MB in that price range shoudln't be an issue. Probably worth it to put some of that $100 savings to getting a 1050Ti GPU instead of a 1050 (though, without knowing anything about your monitor, or whether you already have one, it's hard to really make a solid recommendation for graphics)

Huh... I guess I wasn't aware of the 1200 being better than the 8350, well yea go with this build, cheaper and better
There might be a few cases where the 8350 is better. But if I'm not mistaken, the Ryzen 3 1200 will still outperform it handily.

Another $50 will get the same combination of parts, but with the Ryzen 5 1400, which will definitely leave the 8350 in the dust. But, even sticking with the Ryzen 3 1200 will perform well (I suspect still better than the 8350 overall), and leave an upgrade path for faster current Ryzen CPUs, and future Ryzen CPUs as well.

And, the Ryzen chips draw about 65W vs the FX-8350's 125W. That power draw is problematic with a number of motherboards, from what I've read.

Yea the ryzen 1200 is still like 40% better than the fx
Thnx a lot guys but see I can’t afford tat much heavy price... i want a build under 150$. Moreover i’m not interested in more graphics, i just need a good play without the lags... nd even my monitor is a old shit tat doesn’t support 1080p but its a lcd display wch can support 780p. Guys pls help me coz I can’t afford 500$ nd al...
We need to know exactly what you currently have that can be reused.

With your budget of $150 a gaming pc is not very realistic but we need to know what you have in full detail.

Also, we need to know what kind of games you expect to play on your $150 gaming PC.
For $150 you can build a pretty fast gaming pc but everything must be used just search on Aliexpress or Ebay.
i´ve build a gaming pc for $200 for a friend of mine these were the specs:
Phenom x4 955 overclocked at 4GHZ
GTX 660 TI
500W powersupply
Some cheap overclockable motherboard.
cheap gaming Case.

The money that u have is more than u think.
Actually i have a 450 watt power supply, asus (p5pkl am in)motherboard, 250gb hdd, 2gb ram, a view sonic monitor... a graphic card GeForce gt 730 4gb card. Nd a dual core processor... tats it this is al i have bruhhh...
Here's a list of CPUs supported.

The QX99650 and QX9700 processors allow easy overclocking, but tend to be expensive. I've seen the Q9550 go for around $40 used.

It uses DDR2 RAM, only 2 DIMM slots, and only supports a max of 4GB. I don't know if the 2GB you have is a single stick, or a pair of 1GB sticks. If the latter, that's going to be problem - you'd want to get a pair of matched 2GB DDR2 RAM sticks if you can get them cheap. If you already have a single 2GB stick, then you need to find another one that's got the exact same timings as your existing one, and hope they'll work together for dual-channel mode.

To be honest, though, this platform is something on the order of being almost a decade out of date. Even if you got all this stuff together relatively cheaply used, you are talking basic gaming.

What kind of games were you hoping/expecting to play, and what monitor do you have?

Well with that $150 you can upgrade the ram to 8GB upgrade the CPU to core 2 quad series and overclock it and upgrade your HDD to atleast 500GB.
The GT 730 is just crap and slower than the newest integrated GPU´s.
Look on Ebay you can find there some cheap RAM and Graphics cards.
But where do you live? In which country?

4 GB DDR2 Max RAM.

Really not much can be done using these parts and that budget.



Well with that budget he can buy 4GB DDR2 800MHZ ram and upgrade the CPU to Core 2 Quad q6600 and do the bsel mod to overclock the CPU to 3GHZ with just taping, and upgrade the GPU to GT 1030.

He can also temporarily use the PC to play games that he likes and then save for a better PC in the future?
Hmm guys I'm from India nd my monitor is viewsonic VA712 1280 x 1024 at 75 Hz, it's just a lcd screen tats al I kno abt it :)... Well moreover I think u ppl did more than enough fr me, thnx fr that. Now u guys just give me a good motherboard I mean cheap nd Best 😉 coz this Asus p5pkl am-in motherboard doesn't hav a pcie slot. so I need ddr3 ram supportability nd lga 775 e8600 core 2 duo processor should support this motherboard... Pls help me if u understand my problem... Thnx

Well ... What is your MAXIMUM budget?
Is it ok if I search for computer hardware in Ebay or Aliexpress and they send that stuff to India?
Please respond as quickly as possible so that I immediately search for hardware and put links on it so you can buy it right away :)
Edit: Do you pay with Rupees? Or just dollars?
Nw I have oly 3k bruh I just want to fit my newly bought gt 730 in the motherboard nd play a normal games like ets 2, crew, nfs new ghost recon, gta 5,etc.., like these games bruhhh. nw I dnt hav much money to buy expensive things bro so if u Tel me any gud motherboard with my products... Help me out bruhhh I dnt want to play games with high or excellent graphics I just want to get entertained bruh...

Ok that is good i will search the products.
And play games at a low resolution such like 720p.
Just be patience :)

Edit: If you bought the products i higly recommend to overclock your CPU and your GPU as fast as possible.
Well you´re lucky...
I´ve found the parts for your gaming pc with motherboard that supports DDR3 ram.
This is in total $150 or 9,6k rupees:

8gb DDR3 ram, just select the button: ¨8GB 1333MHZ FOR ALL¨ if you want to order. Because the motherboard only support DDR3 1333 mhz ram:,searchweb201602_1_10065_10068_10344_10342_10343_10340_10341_10084_10083_10618_10304_10615_10307_10313_10059_10534_100031_10103_441_10624_442_10623_10622_10621_10620_10142,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_3&algo_expid=96461139-2c3c-4f33-a138-ee81212e1145-2&algo_pvid=96461139-2c3c-4f33-a138-ee81212e1145&transAbTest=ae803_4&priceBeautifyAB=4

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, a processor with 4 cores VERY GOOD FOR GTA5!! It is clocked at 2,4GHZ YOU MUST OVERCLOCK THE CPU WITH TAPE!!
Just search BSEL mod on Google. You must tape one pin with tape on the cpu and it automatically overclocks to 3GHZ!:,searchweb201602_1_10065_10068_10344_10342_10343_10340_10341_10084_10083_10618_10304_10615_10307_10313_10059_10534_100031_10103_441_10624_442_10623_10622_10621_10620_10142,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_3&algo_expid=7a66d16e-7613-4dab-8552-96b9a32a7792-0&algo_pvid=7a66d16e-7613-4dab-8552-96b9a32a7792&transAbTest=ae803_4&priceBeautifyAB=4

This moterboard is ASUS with g41 chipset. It supports CPU´s with 4 cores and can maybe overclock on BIOS, If you don´t want to overclock with tape. This MOBO supports 8GB DDR3 1333MHZ:,searchweb201602_1_10065_10068_10344_10342_10343_10340_10341_10084_10083_10618_10304_10615_10307_10313_10059_10534_100031_10103_441_10624_442_10623_10622_10621_10620_10142,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_3&algo_expid=bb7c9015-4a5e-4884-826a-307b7ed7961b-0&algo_pvid=bb7c9015-4a5e-4884-826a-307b7ed7961b&transAbTest=ae803_4&priceBeautifyAB=4

And a 80 GB Hard disk. I will suggest you to install your Windows on this HDD so you will have the 250GB HDD just for games.,searchweb201602_1_10065_10068_10344_10342_10343_10340_10341_10084_10083_10618_10304_10615_10307_10313_10059_10534_100031_10103_441_10624_442_10623_10622_10621_10620_10142,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_3&algo_expid=9eca171d-d8ea-449f-a819-83e2dcaa423a-2&algo_pvid=9eca171d-d8ea-449f-a819-83e2dcaa423a&transAbTest=ae803_4&priceBeautifyAB=4

It tooked some time for me to find these hardware within your budget.