Cheap power supplies


Jun 5, 2013
Hello, i was wondering if i can run a gtx 780 off a cheap power supply (30 pounds or so) Or will it fry my PSU or Graphics card.


Was talking about replacing the broken one, thought the OP was talking about a 680 not a 780. Aggressive aren't we, mummy forgot your special milk.
has he got the money lying around to buy another 680, if he has then do it, if not then don't. Buy a slightly cheaper 680 (they are all the same board underneath apart from the really pricey ones) and put the extra money into the PSU. The PSU is the foundation. Its £30 for a reason. If its the fractal tesla then you won't have a problem, but you won't get one of those for £30.

Bullshit. The 780 uses the Titan's GK110, whereas the 680 uses GK104. Get your facts right.

Was talking about replacing the broken one, thought the OP was talking about a 680 not a 780. Aggressive aren't we, mummy forgot your special milk.