Question cheap steering wheel


Feb 20, 2015
Looking for a cheap ish steering wheel with force feedback somewhere about £100 and used.
Cant seem to find what would be the best choice for pc
Found like a g25 and t150 for about a 100 on cex but still not sure which one would be the best
Any help appreciated
Go forward with basic consumer research. Look for independent and professional product reviews, read the User Guides/Manuals, check the manufacturer's FAQs, and forums (if any). Double check the supporting hardware requirements and OS. Warranties are important, RMA rules and requirements matter.

Look for reviews by verified purchasers: look at how they rate the steering wheels that you are considering and any accompanying comments.

"Cheapish" is probably not the route to take. Especially if you are an enthusiastic gamer/driver and/or have kids doing the driving.

Go "hands on" if at all possible. Literally test drive if at all possible. Get a good physical sense as to the strength and durability of the candidate steering wheels. Look at the cables (the plug, the length, the thickness), how well the steering wheel attaches to a table or desk.

Overall, spending more now may be less costly than needing to purchase a replacement in a few months....