cheaper but better Ati equivalent of Gtx 1080 and same for intel 6500 K?

"cheaper but better Ati equivalent of Gtx 1080" Doesn't exist. The ATI name was dissolved awhile after AMD bought them out. The closest GPU AMD has to the 1080 is the Vega 64 and it costs more than the 1080.

The 6500K does not exist, the only 6th gen i5 K cpu is the 6600k the i5 6500 is a non K cpu. CPU wise a Ryzen 5 1500x or 2400g will be cheaper than a 6500 and match or exceed it's performance.,4388.html,4312.html
Cheaper and better are not something that usually go together.
Cheaper and a little less better, cheaper and equal is doable.

What is this new build for? Gaming? Streaming? I understand you want to stick to AMD but to truly give you a good answer things like budget and what other parts you will be using makes it easier to give you a better answer.

it is gaming build and budget is kinda messy now, since after the processor and gpu are final I than have to look for suitable mobo, but still you should consider that I would like to save as much money as possible for same performance
"cheaper but better Ati equivalent of Gtx 1080" Doesn't exist. The ATI name was dissolved awhile after AMD bought them out. The closest GPU AMD has to the 1080 is the Vega 64 and it costs more than the 1080.

The 6500K does not exist, the only 6th gen i5 K cpu is the 6600k the i5 6500 is a non K cpu. CPU wise a Ryzen 5 1500x or 2400g will be cheaper than a 6500 and match or exceed it's performance.,4388.html,4312.html