Cheapest and best GTX 1060 3gb? (no overclocking)


Prices change continuously depending on where you buy from. At the moment, these are the current prices at the Egg for 3GB GTX 1060s.

Best and cheapest are mutually exclusive. Best performing? Best quality? Best warranty?
The single fan models are usually a bit louder than the dual fan models, but that will vary too. A large fan will always move more air than a smaller fan at the same RPM. Most modern cards have 0 decibel fans now. They won't even come pn until temps get ~60C. I always like the Evga cards because of their warranty.


Jan 25, 2018
It’s not worth it. I picked up an EVGA 1060 6gb at BestBuy for $309. And you can get a comparable one on amazon for the same price. Unless you go bare bones 1060 3gb, then you can pick one up on amazon for $229. They should have called the 1060 3gb a 1055; it’s not the same and about 10% slower UNLESS the games you play need more vram than 3gb, then it is even slower.