Cheapest Good Quality Ram


Jul 25, 2016
I'm looking for the cheapest yet high quality 16 GB DDR4 RAM anyone can find, I am on a fairly tight budget but need this for modern gaming.

And do you think the RAM prices will go down in price for Black Friday?

Thanks is advance,
If you are building a Ryzen system, going with the "cheapest memory" may be a bad idea since Ryzen has many memory compatibility issues, especially if you get a motherboard with a pre- BIOS.

As for RAM prices going down on Black Friday, I wouldn't hold my breath too much for that as current prices are driven by shortages from high demand in the HPC (CPU+GPU), crypto mining, server and mobile markets.

So what would you suggest I do, expensive ram, or by a different mother board?

Yes thanks for quick response, I live in uk, and new egg is American I believe so won’t shipping be very expensive, I know it says includes shipping, but that hasn’t always been the case.


I have found another deal as well so should I go for:


