Cheapest graphics card?

May 22, 2018
I'm building a budget gaming pc (first time). I have a modern mother board with i3 8100 CPU and 8gb ddr4 memory and a 1tb HDD. I splashed out on everything else and now I don't have enough money to pay for the graphics card I was originally going to buy, I'm looking for a card that will play games like rainbow 6 siege, ark survival evolved, and halowars 2 (pc). I have about £80 left on budget and I was wondering what graphics cards I could get for that price that will run these games.
Unfortunately, in a budget gaming rig one of the last places you want to cut costs is in your GPU*.

At 80quid, you only really have a couple of options 'new' anyway.
A GT1030 can be found for 60-80,YDRFf7,FjfmP6,b4KhP6/

Or an RX550 (512),LsNypg/

Pretty similar in performance by YMMV, depending on specific titles.

A GTX1050 would be a nice step up, but will set you back around 110 currently.

With that kind of budget, looking to the used market may well prove beneficial.

For example, a GTX680 appears to be available at/below...
Unfortunately, in a budget gaming rig one of the last places you want to cut costs is in your GPU*.

At 80quid, you only really have a couple of options 'new' anyway.
A GT1030 can be found for 60-80,YDRFf7,FjfmP6,b4KhP6/

Or an RX550 (512),LsNypg/

Pretty similar in performance by YMMV, depending on specific titles.

A GTX1050 would be a nice step up, but will set you back around 110 currently.

With that kind of budget, looking to the used market may well prove beneficial.

For example, a GTX680 appears to be available at/below the budget....

As is a GTX 770

Card like that is much more power hungry than a modern equivalent, but performance-wise, it sits somewhere between a GTX1050TI and a 3GB 1060..... closer to the 1050TI though. Only 2GB VRAM which dates it a bit.... but for the money, a strong option.

AMD cards of comparable performance are not really available at the budget (280X, 7970GHz, 380 etc)... they're more in the 100+ range.

*There are other 'bad' places to cut corners too though.
The gt 1030 is a very good card but the price jumped from 70$ to 100$ cuz its going like crazy.Another option is the 750ti slightly better than the 1030.Looking at your specs you can probably buy the full version of the card which is cheaper than the low profile one.Also going the RX 550 route isnt bad either.They are all around that price so you can chose.Maybe also save up for a 1050 since its going for around 100Euros if u can find it
The 750TI only really has one justification these days @adem; it's 75W TDP.

BNIB, retailers are asking ridiculous money and on the secondary market (either used on new), they're going for very similar money to a GT 1030 new.

Yes, a 750TI's performance is a decent margin better than a 1030 (in some instances), but paying 60+GBP on the used market, there are better options available; GTX 570*, 760, 680 (sometimes) 770's should all represent better value for money.

The 75W TDP would be the 750TI's saving grace as an upgrade path. Given the OP splurged elsewhere, I'd hope they picked up a decent PSU to power their rig and, if so, the higher power tradeoff for vastly better performance should make the 750TI obsolete.

*Don't spend 80quid on a 570 though OP!
Note that an AMD Ryzen 2400G's integrated graphic chip performs pretty much the same as a Geforce 1030 - too bad you already bought that not-very-useful i3... The AMD option would have cost you less (cheaper motherboard), performed the same and provided the graphics card - leaving you enough money to go for 16 Gb 3200 in dual channel (AMD chips like bandwitdh).