Cheapest upgradeable laptop?


Aug 23, 2018
Hello,I've been researching and i found out that building a laptop with the specs I require is cheaper than buying one,so after even more research I found out that I can save myself the price of:The shell/case,the motherboard,the screen,the mousepad,the keyboard,the speakers,and the CD drive,if I buy a cheap laptop and upgrade it,but here comes the issue:finding one that can handle the specs I require,I need a super cheap laptop because it's just to save the price of the things I mentioned above and most cheap laptops are pretty old and they can't handle such specs,those specs being:i7-7700K,16GB DDR3,HDD 500GB,MSI Gaming RX 560 AERO ITX OC 2GB or any other 2GB 150$ gfx card.
If this is possible could someone please tell me which laptop I'd have to purchase for that.
i've never heard of customizing a laptop like that either. true many models come in many configurations but unless they are simply swapping out a lower models guts with the higher model, i don't see how it is possible.

when comparing models you have to look at the whole number. an hp 123 may have a dozen options and the numbers and letters that follow tell you what it contains. so a 123-45 may be totally different than a 123-56 model (making up model #'s to illustrate)

every brand and model is different in shape and size and a mobo from another model is unlikely to be the same shape/size as a different model, even within the same company. parts are placed all over and not standard in any way. i am highly suspect of anyone saying they...
First thing that pops out at me is DDR3 with a 7700-k, incompatible.

2nd thing is actually building your own laptop. If it were commonly doable, it would be a mainstream thing and you'd be able to walk into Microcenter and pick up parts like you do for a desktop.

I cannot see how you would be able to build one yourself, for less than a company like Dell/ASus/MSI who can order parts wholesale and have facilities/tools/knowledge to build it.

It's a great idea, and I'd love to see what you can accomplish. But it's an enthusiasts project, not one to save money.

Laptops have very tight tolerances due to size/heat/power. This is generally why they are not upgradeable with a few exceptions.

I wasn't aware that the CPU and the RAM that I picked were incompatible,I'll have to look into that.
I've found a shop that's willing to build the laptop and sell me the parts.
I'm mostly doing this because I don't trust any major stores in here,I've browsed multiple of our websites and I found an i7,8GB DDR4,Intel UHD 620 for exactly my budget but after I looked up the laptop on a few websites I found out that it had 4GB and an i5.
I don't want to end up wasting my money and getting something worse than what I paid for.
Thank you for the help.
You should realize that there are variations within laptop models. Might say same model but have different processors and different amount of RAM.

Where are you located? I'd like to know how much that store is going to sell you the laptop for. Do they have a website? Again, what you propose to do to me seems undoable for less than you can buy it.
i've never heard of customizing a laptop like that either. true many models come in many configurations but unless they are simply swapping out a lower models guts with the higher model, i don't see how it is possible.

when comparing models you have to look at the whole number. an hp 123 may have a dozen options and the numbers and letters that follow tell you what it contains. so a 123-45 may be totally different than a 123-56 model (making up model #'s to illustrate)

every brand and model is different in shape and size and a mobo from another model is unlikely to be the same shape/size as a different model, even within the same company. parts are placed all over and not standard in any way. i am highly suspect of anyone saying they can take a cheap laptop and somehow make it a high end one with off the shelf parts. just not doable as far as i know and i been doing this a long time.
I'm located in Damascus,Syria,the store I'll potentially be purchasing the laptop from depends on which store sells it,there's no real stores for specific companies here,you can try going to the website Digitalnet Syria but the only 275,000S.P (534$) i7 laptop I found turned out to be an i5.
The store that's willing to sell me the parts is just a small store I once got my old pc fixed at.
My only purpose in doing this isn't to save a bit of money,it's not having to buy something and then realize that I bought something with half the specs that I payed for.
I appreciate the help,thank you.
I don't see how a small store like that can have the specific higher end laptop parts in stock. Just make sure you realize that laptop and desktop parts are different. And as for not getting what you paid for, that would be your fault. When you buy something new, from someplace reputable, you make sure you get what you paid for. Only time i've ever encountered that is getting something used. And even then, I was protected.