Hello , first of all i would like to say that i know very little about these things and i want to be sure that hardware i chose for my PC is compatible with each other, not to mention anything else...
My goal is to build a computer which is good for almost everything, especially for gaming.Also note that i am not going to overclock anything i will buy(i want my PC to last as longer as possible and i have no knowledge in overclocking too.)
Here is my configuration:
CPU - Core i7 3770k 3.5ghz 317$ - http://www.amazon.com/Intel-i7-3770K-Quad-Core-Processor-Cache/dp/B007SZ0EOW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367507625&sr=8-1&keywords=core+i7+3770k+3.5ghz+lga+1155+processor
Motherboard - i don't really know which one should i take ,but i need your advice here,the budget for MB is under 300$ ,i want my motherboard to cover all basic and usefull functions my CPU and other hardware will provide.
RAM - Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600 MHz 120$ - http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-Desktop-Memory-CMZ16GX3M2A1600C10/dp/B006EWUO22/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367507697&sr=1-2&keywords=ddr3+16+gb+1600
GPU - this is the hard one too , can't decide between these 2 :Sapphire radeon hd 7970 3gb 950 mhz 460$ or Gigabyte geforce gtx 670 OC 4gb 450$(2GB 400$). Sapphire http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-DL-DVI-I-SL-DVI-D-PCI-Express-11197-03-40G/dp/B009B6Y01Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367508037&sr=8-1&keywords=sapphire+radeon+hd+7970+3gb+ddr5
Gigabyte http://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-GV-N670OC-2GD-GeForce-Windforce-Graphics/dp/B0080I06WQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367507993&sr=1-1&keywords=gigabyte+geforce+gtx+670+2gb
i used several websites to compare these 2 cards and i know GTX 670 is better at gaming ,but i don't want to run all games on highest settings (BTW i am going to run my PC on 1600x900 resolution monitor or 1980x1200) I want to go with Radeon...
HDD - WD 1TB 7200RPM 64mb cash 130$ http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-WD2001FASS-Caviar-Desktop/dp/B002MD05SA/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367508466&sr=1-3&keywords=500gb+7400+rpm+hard+disk+pc
SSD - Crucial m4 128GB 130$ http://www.amazon.com/Crucial-256GB-2-5-Inch-9-5mm-CT256M4SSD2/dp/B004W2JL2A/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367508586&sr=1-6&keywords=ssd+256+gb+pc
PSU - Corsair Enthusiast Series TX 750 105$ (850Watt 130$) or more if needed ,because i don't know how much will this PC require http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Enthusiast-Watt-Bronze-TX750/dp/B004MYFODI/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367508718&sr=1-3&keywords=corsair+power+supply+750+watt
As for DVD-RW ROM and Case i will go with cheap ones...
I thinks this is all i wanted to ask, any help would be appreciated,Thanks for your time.
Additional info : Budget doesn't really matter , i just want to know about compatibility issues and how good is this configuration for my goal building this computer.This configuration will cost me around 1700 $
My goal is to build a computer which is good for almost everything, especially for gaming.Also note that i am not going to overclock anything i will buy(i want my PC to last as longer as possible and i have no knowledge in overclocking too.)
Here is my configuration:
CPU - Core i7 3770k 3.5ghz 317$ - http://www.amazon.com/Intel-i7-3770K-Quad-Core-Processor-Cache/dp/B007SZ0EOW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367507625&sr=8-1&keywords=core+i7+3770k+3.5ghz+lga+1155+processor
Motherboard - i don't really know which one should i take ,but i need your advice here,the budget for MB is under 300$ ,i want my motherboard to cover all basic and usefull functions my CPU and other hardware will provide.
RAM - Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600 MHz 120$ - http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-Desktop-Memory-CMZ16GX3M2A1600C10/dp/B006EWUO22/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367507697&sr=1-2&keywords=ddr3+16+gb+1600
GPU - this is the hard one too , can't decide between these 2 :Sapphire radeon hd 7970 3gb 950 mhz 460$ or Gigabyte geforce gtx 670 OC 4gb 450$(2GB 400$). Sapphire http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-DL-DVI-I-SL-DVI-D-PCI-Express-11197-03-40G/dp/B009B6Y01Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367508037&sr=8-1&keywords=sapphire+radeon+hd+7970+3gb+ddr5
Gigabyte http://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-GV-N670OC-2GD-GeForce-Windforce-Graphics/dp/B0080I06WQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367507993&sr=1-1&keywords=gigabyte+geforce+gtx+670+2gb
i used several websites to compare these 2 cards and i know GTX 670 is better at gaming ,but i don't want to run all games on highest settings (BTW i am going to run my PC on 1600x900 resolution monitor or 1980x1200) I want to go with Radeon...
HDD - WD 1TB 7200RPM 64mb cash 130$ http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-WD2001FASS-Caviar-Desktop/dp/B002MD05SA/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367508466&sr=1-3&keywords=500gb+7400+rpm+hard+disk+pc
SSD - Crucial m4 128GB 130$ http://www.amazon.com/Crucial-256GB-2-5-Inch-9-5mm-CT256M4SSD2/dp/B004W2JL2A/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367508586&sr=1-6&keywords=ssd+256+gb+pc
PSU - Corsair Enthusiast Series TX 750 105$ (850Watt 130$) or more if needed ,because i don't know how much will this PC require http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Enthusiast-Watt-Bronze-TX750/dp/B004MYFODI/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1367508718&sr=1-3&keywords=corsair+power+supply+750+watt
As for DVD-RW ROM and Case i will go with cheap ones...
I thinks this is all i wanted to ask, any help would be appreciated,Thanks for your time.
Additional info : Budget doesn't really matter , i just want to know about compatibility issues and how good is this configuration for my goal building this computer.This configuration will cost me around 1700 $