Check Out these Gaming builds - Your thoughts?


Jul 13, 2013
On the hunt for the right gaming machine
I play these games - Minecraft,League Of Legends, Runescape, Call of Duty, Bf3
Games i want to play - Call of duty Ghost / Bf4

PcPartPicker - Links Below - - Said to be the best bang for the buck? I don't know. - AMD build?

These two machines are suppose to be able to do all that i want.


I have a $1000.00 Budget, first link is way over that.

Your thoughts appreciated!

that is a really good build
here are my thoughts on liquid cooling
if you don't plan to overclock too hard...

take the ssd out and swap the 770 for a 760 and you'll be set !

that's only my opinion though if i had a $1000 budget i would surely build something similar to that. some people would give you different advice

and in regards to the second build if you really wanted AMD you should think about an 8350 atleast for gaming
Hopeless is on the right track. Do you plan to overclock? If not, then you can down your CPU and go with a cheaper air cooler. I'd almost rather have a 670 than 760 - but check them both out (I really like Gigabyte version).

if i were you and i could spare an extra ~$90 i would definitely go with that or a similar build
and to me i feel like the 760 even though it's a bit slower than the 670, the price difference is just too great the justify buying the 670 over the 760
that's only my opinion though if i had a $1000 budget i would surely build something similar to that. some people would give you different advice

and in regards to the second build if you really wanted AMD you should think about an 8350 atleast for gaming[/quotemsg]

- - Hmm, Well im not sure, i want to be below $1000.00 so im gearing more towards the AMD 1 and 8350 whats that? Im just trying to search for the most voted build :S

-- -- Well the guy said the amd build would overclock much better than the first build, so hmm im just trying to be able to play the games i have now and be future proof for the next ones

if you're looking for future proof i think the intel build would suit better you could probably downgrade the case to get it below $1000 and maybe swap the motherboard out for a cheaper one
or this one
both are good quality motherboards can't go wrong with either one


and what i mean about 8350 is the cpu
if you want an AMD build that's fit for gaming it's recommended to get atleast an fx-8350

Ok so i like the two motherboards you reccomended, i actually think the MSI would be better, idk i guess i like it more, but i don't think its capatable with my parts, or for whatever reason i cant find it :S and ok the 8350 i found it 8 cores =o but the motherboards u show me are not available with the parts i have on the amd 1 if i chose one of those motherboards i have to change the cpu

the 2 motherboards i listed are LGA 1150s which are for the i5-4570k (not for AMD cpus)
(that is for the intel build only and yes the MSI mobo does look nice)
what do you mean by you can't find it? are you looking through compatibility charts?
i'm pretty certain that all the parts you have in your current intel build are compatible with that motherboard

and now about the AMD build (if you decide to go AMD)
most people will recommend the fx-8350 for gaming
in regards to the motherboard, the current one you have listed in your AMD build will do fine with the 8350


intel motherboards have different sockets than amd motherboards so you can't put an amd cpu into an intel motherboard vice versa
Ok so based on your recommendations i changed the motherboard/video card/case/
Link for the build -

I made a few changes of my own -

Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing < Corsair H80i 77.0 CFM Liquid
G.Skill Sniper Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 < Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600
Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM < Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM
XFX 750W ATX12V / EPS12V < Corsair 600W ATX12V
And i changed the optical drive :3

So here is where we started ...
Then - < This has a 760 instead of 770

Then i kinda took it a little further and made my own changes - < This one has a 660 Video Card instead of 770 or 760 - -- - - - - - - EDIT : SO I don't think you ever told me to get a 660 but some other guy told me 660 770 or 760 are kinda the good ones and i saw 660 was alot cheaper - so i just added that

This is the AMD Build -
( I haven't switched the CPU to a - FX8350 )


I like this build. You could down grade your case to something like a Corsair Carbide and shave off $50 and still be able to fit all your components. Probably many other sub $50 cases would be good enough as well.

i'm looking at your build right now this one:
if you don't need to overclock too heavily then i feel like watercooling would be a waste of money and the 212 would be perfect for your build (but personal preference)
also i liked the 750w psu you had before as it can SLI much better than the 600w one you have right now (again personal preference)
the RAM is also personal preference i have g.skill ram myself and feel like it does a really nice job
and lastly about the graphics card yes the 760 is more expensive but it does perform better than the 660 and the 760 is also a newer generation card (and is said to be replacing the 660 line)
the price difference is big enough to be a factor when considering between the 760 and the 660 so again up to you

those are my thoughts but your current build is perfectly fine i personally wouldn't go back to the AMD build if you are looking for pure future proof gaming
Ok so im changed up alot and managed to make a build of my liking that ended up with a black and red theme 😡 which is a plus

so my build -

Here are parts i could change to -
Idk they might be better but slightly i think and some pricey except the CPU cooler that is really cheap but i think the Liquid cooling is alot better?

Power supply - XFX 750W ATX12V / EPS12V
RAM - Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600
CPU - Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing

SO yea tell me what you think now .. about the whole build because i think this is the build ill buy.
EDIT : I Could also get a cheaper case which then could help out with the price so i could get the XFX supply and still stay at the same price point under 1100.00 same with the cpu cooler...

that is a really good build
here are my thoughts on liquid cooling
if you don't plan to overclock too hard then the 212 will be more than sufficient in keeping your cpu cool
i have a 3570k (ivy bridge i5) and i overclocked it to 4.2ghz without changing voltages and i use the 212 as my cpu cooler
i haven't had any problems with overheating it just gets hot when running stress tests like prime
so to me, liquid cooling is only for people that have room temperatures of 80f+ or plan to overclock their cpu a lot
but yes liquid cooling will be useful in the future if you plan on using this build for the far future because in the future, overclocking older cpus will be necessary to keep up with what the future holds for us

if you're willing to pay $60 above your budget to add liquid cooling then yes do get it because all in all, it will be very useful in extending the life of your cpu and giving you more headroom to overclocking



about the case, get a case you would want to look at every day
don't get a crappy case that you will regret because that's what i thought too when i first built my computer... (pick a cheap case save some money)
i turned the old case into a poli sci final project cause it was just trash that i didn't like and just wanted to get rid of